
You don't have to play a human if you don't want to! Well - certain limitations notwithstanding, of course. All details related to canonical species or highly specific ethnic groups are to be found here.
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Post by IamLEAM1983 »


- natural course of evolution
- 52% of world population
- not native to via, but occasionally sensitive to it
- most populous group on the planet. Most sociopolitical reach
- movers and deciders, despite inherent mortality. Highly aggressive. Fighters by nature. Not necessarily literally. Humans just don't back down from issues that concern them.
- gifted humans = bulk of superheroes + supervillains

- anthro/human rapports vary. History shows examples of equal parts acceptance and slavery. Sometimes selective. Some breeds seen as "human" enough (canines, felines, equine anthros, pigs, etc) by virtue of parent species'
proximity to Mankind. Others were treated as slaves or chattel. Current was reversed in Industrial Revolution. Harsh anthro work bosses with human employees, etc.
- human/supernatural rapports also vary. Extermination and shy acceptance. Humans were a fearful bunch in the past, hid that behind bigotry.

- Today, things have settled down. Humans + anthros. Bigots are frowned at. Interspecies couples are common. Random chances of child being human or anthro, or of long-standing anthro families producing a human heir because of dormant
genes. Tends to surprise unexpecting parents, but kids of this nature are accepted and loved. Other way around, too.

- Humans control spread of politics and tech. Law makers and deciders, for their own safety. Drafted the Vienna Accords after Rendell's schemed assault on Hope in '65. All species held accountable, all races can be prosecuted by
mortal justice system. Immortals see fortunes cut down to stabilize stock market. Multi-billionnaires are now as rare as they are in the real world. Was a bit of a problem, earlier. Too many wealthy old souls devaluing currencies. Greedy
immortals caused Great Depression.
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