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Post by IamLEAM1983 »

- descended from Lilim - Lilith and Lucifer's offspring
- all were initially mortal, but marked by Lucifer to lead sinful lives in preparation for true purpose
- once they died, became carriers of varieties of Lilith's own earned blood curse
- most died over centuries. Bloodline "heads" aren't set in stone and bloodlines don't depend on their eldest being alive.
- considering, racial denominations and themes tend to change

- ageless, but not completely immortal. Sufficient damage will kill any vampire.
- physical prowess in one or two areas improves very slowly over time, from baseline human to various superhuman thresholds
- all are undead, but to various degrees. All vampires don't need to breathe, some can eat
- lungs are usually partially converted/gradually mutated into blood sacs. Space remaining is used for continued speech.
- usually also can't "fake" breathing. If former lungs are filled, trying to reintroduce breathing motions will cause pain.
- if further blood is absorbed after lungs are filled, blood is first pushed into inert circulatory system. Then enters capillaries, causing undead to "blush".
- no lethargy at this point. Can be used in fooling thermal scanners into thinking a vampire is actually alive.
- is something of a prescribed notion in gatherings with mortals. Most people feel at ease with a body that's at least lukewarm standing in front of them
- if *more* blood is absorbed after this, excess is shunted in mutated adipose tissue. Is designed to absorb blood like a sponge.
- lethargy then becomes expected. Gorged vampires are forced by body to sleep.
- the bigger you were before turning, the more of a "blood buffer" you have before being knocked out.
- can be dangerous, as overeaters in life tend to become overdrinkers as vamps

- psychological dangers are inherent to undeath
- most fledgelings are still well adjusted and will continue to be as such for a few mortal generations.
- Low power + high remaining humanity = prime undead employees are mostly fledgelings. Easier to work with them.
- A few centuries later, depersonalization can settle in. This also applies to certain cyborgs and clanks. See their own guide.
- undead starts seeing himself as "other". Better than mortal species, even.
- ability to relate with mortals degrades. Sociopathic attitudes and patterns can develop
- can lead to criminal behavior or abuse if not checked.
- can still be "caught" and treated by proper psychiatrists.

- all can bind mortals to their service. Sedate blood exchanges only produce slight increases in corresponding physical abilities and agelessness
- excessive exchanges can deteriorate minds.
- blood addicts are recognizable: will disregard standard needs in favor of more blood. Schizophrenic patterns can appear.
- will claim to hear voice of their main provider even if telepathically-inclined vamps have never issued commands.
- Hope's version of Renfield Syndrome, which does exist. Adds unrealistically low self-image and perceptions of servitude
- "Blood pimps" are a problem throughout Western world.
- also allows unscupulous vampires to develop followings. Active vamp blood is currently impossible to mass-produce, so cults never leave boundaries of the responsible vamp's home city.
- drug derivatives vary in effectiveness. "Red Snow" refers to two things: cocaine laced with a little vampire blood (common) or freeze-dried pure blood (becomes tiny crystals, uncommon)
- freeze-dried version is extremely potent and very dangerous. See Bath Salts, for instance.

Currently active bloodlines:

a) Carmilla
- The Carmilla are made from extremely sensitive mortals. Stories say the first Carmilla was cursed for valuing her emotions and sensations over others'.
- Most are strong empaths. They still feel very close to mortals. They're the most capable at blending in and acting like mortals. Right down to eating food.
- Problem is, sensations are addictive for them. Eventually, everyday mortal existence loses its flair. They start looking for more sensual pleasures.
- A few centuries down the line, you can end up with Carmilla "burnouts", who feel absolutely nothing in the context of an average day.
- Can lead to cases of idle cruelty and callous behavior, if seeing others suffer creates amusement

- Usually artists of some calibre. Fame and talent combined can hold back burnout episodes for lifetimes, but not all the time
- Young or well-adjusted Carmilla are very pleasant to be around. Usually very kind. Or very good at being two-faced...
- Old or maladjusted Carmilla can look like eternal yuppies or dandies stuck in the wrong century. Always chasing the next thrill.

- Time and age produce tremendously effective actors, life coaches, spokespersons. Irresistible silver tongues or penetrating oracles.
- Minor form of talent is passed on to their mortal thralls. Boring or dull individuals are unexplainably charismatic? Could be a Carmilla thrall.

- local main representative is Sasha Grey. Née Iphigenia Grey in 1867, briefly courted by Archie. Talented would-be courtesan in a boarding house.
- currently helms the "Sasha" fashion line and affects an Americanized attitude. Is a little blunt, a little callous around the edges. Suspected to be in early burnout stages
- work schedule/modelling/acting commitments make her mostly blind to local happenings. Refuses to address her past with Archie.
- calling her "Iffie" or referencing her first life is a personal Berserk button of hers.

b) Ordo Dracul
- second partially "live" breed. Can also eat food.
- made from charismatic and headstrong mortals. Stories about first Dracul obviously being Dracula, punished for gaming conflict with Turks for his own political gains.
- their blood tends to adversely affect emotional centers of the brain. Turned individuals become cold, over time. Calculative. Not necessarily callous, though.
- they see mortals as tools to be used in their schemes. Power motivates them, as Dracul are highly territorial. Young Dracul without positions of power are usually killed.
- consequently, fledgelings are under a *lot* of pressure.
- a few centuries later, you become utterly dispassionate. Dracul and Carmilla obviously clash a lot. First sees the second as flighty, second sees the first as heartless.
- all are power seekers. May have involved physical cruelty centuries ago, but most have entered corporate and political spheres, now.
- not very lilkely to kill those they vanquish in boardrooms or stock exchanges. They see failure as humiliation enough.

- is very much the case. Average Dracul psyche seems utterly unable to manage failure. Things that would only sadden a mortal businessman can make a Dracul spin out of control
- Dracul "burnouts" are usually self-destructive. Suicides are common in their ranks; or centuries of utterly not giving a shit. Mammoth depressions.
- previously ignored emotional centers are usually violently reactivated in Dracul burnouts. Tend to blow further small setbacks or annoyances totally out of proportion
- aimless Dracul can be some of the most violently excessive vamps. Food, drink, sex, drugs - whatever gives them a semblance of control.
- can be some of the hardest cases for shrinks to handle. Die-cast denial is part and parcel of Dracul depression.
- massive emotional rollercoasters in Dracul burnouts can fool people into thinking they're dealing with a Carmilla

- Sense of presence is what increases over time for them. A Dracul averaging a thousand years old can floor everyone in a large ballroom simply by stepping inside.
- Can make abodes of old Dracul very intimidating. You're in the entrance hall and he's in the far back? You'll still feel as though he's breathing down your neck.
- Naturally designed to favor Dracul authority.

- thralls gain pale copy of that. Apparent assurance and level-headedness plus a little natural intimidation.

- local known Order member is Alexander Ruthven, established in Boston, along with Ruthven Industries main offices. Active competitor against Goliath.
- Ruthven Inc. is investigated by Wyvern Securities. Aldergard suspects Ruthven of carelessly allowing disloyal competition methods to take place
- theft of intellectual properties, plagiarism, massive cost reductions...
- one of the shadiest record, when Chinese and Korean subsidiaries are concerned. Aldergard is worried work conditions may be unsafe for mortals

c) Court of Vitellius
- said to be related to Roman emperor with shortest reign on record. Vitellius only ruled for one year
- complete and utter hedonism. Sensations don't matter so much as raw pleasure. Most are gluttons and created from "fine" eaters or drinkers.
- bloodline eats so much that they bypassed the species' sleep mechanic after gorging early on in their history. Can eat hundreds of pounds of food in a single day, if nothing else holds them back
- base strength and jaw flexibility both increase over time. The older they get, the more weight they can successfully put on while remaining mobile. The more they can swallow big things whole
- heightened senses, too. Sedate ones sometimes work in perfume industry. Produce very subtle fragrances for sensitive anthro noses or allergic humans.
- insatiable hunger is part of their curse. Comes complete with something that isn't satiation, but feels like perverted pleasure of eating. Shame is something that takes a *lot* of control and focus to hang onto
- considering, members of the Court *usually* spin out of control very early on, thanks to odd positive reinforcement of their excessive habits
- traditionally, very self-centered vampires. Depersonalization tends to hit them fast and hard. Seeing others as literal meat is fairly common.
- only way for them to thrive is to exploit North-American or European food processing industry. Most are elusive cattle barons or fast food or microwave tycoons.
- if your boss orders the factories to produce X amounts but research shows that only 75% of that amount is boxed and sent - odds are the remaining 25% are for his personal larder...

- few recorded and successful exceptions. Lucius Bromley is one. Extensive meditation and very strong morals are a rare combination for this breed.
- restrained members of the Court are still saddled with Hunger, but can actually live with it and work with food in a sedate manner.
- sedate Court members can sometimes slip. Most learn to keep a stocked supply of non-perishables for quick and desperate use
- still, when they slip, they *slip*. Most black out and only come to when their stock has been razed and thrown out of whack.
- can be a very shameful experience. Difficult for them to get help, seeing as breed's gluttony isn't just something that can be medicated or willed away.
- need for help can also be torturous for Hunger. Court members who seriously didn't mean or plan to can sometimes end up devouring their mortal loved ones
- research into cancelling out Hunger is underway. Also looking for means to impose satiation on them.

- sedate Court members who aren't under a lot of emotional stress are usually fairly stable. Some *have* been able to kickstart mortal families through adoption and were loving and protective parents.
- old members are walking bulldosers and can swallow almost everything their hands can conceivably hold. Can bite through metal. Extreme cases have swallowed explosives and survived.

- Lucius is a local and positive example, but Byron Silvers is a known Court member and head of a food-processing conglomerate à la Nestlé.
- Suspected to stockpile supplies for his own use and to foster abusive treatment of his lower-chain workers.
- may be involved in human trafficiking to satisfy a personal liking for cannibalism
- never divulged his mortal identity to authorities. Is suspected he was a plantation owner with a nasty record for slave abuse

- created thralls see a notable increase in appetite and a weight gain. Nose and tastebuds seem to grow finer.

d) Berserkers
- suspected relation to some Celtic/Norse clans. Leads to theories about all-vampire villages in Pre-Roman Britain...
- can sometimes be confused for Carmilla, but other items make them stand out
- very strong senses and developed hunting instincts even in fledgelings a few days old. Movement and sound sensitivity
- waking mind can be subsumed by instincts at times. Leads to inhibitions being abandoned for hunting purposes. Markedly reduced fear or pain responses in this state
- can be keyed off by very aggressive posturing and environments, but age and practice reduces the risks of raging

- Berserker rage is tightly focused, unlike cursed werewolf frenzies. Usually aimed at one target at a time.
- Berserkers can become relentless and completely ignore personal safety. Can feel like 28 Days Later Infected, when seriously keyed off
- once object of the rage is terminated or gone, however, sentience returns.
- most Berserkers only keep very hazy memories of their rages. Improves over time and if vampire is involved in memory-retention games or tests, but never perfect

- not to be confused with lycanthropes, however, which does happen
- most are lone wolves and loners. Pack mechanics are absent.
- will not seek to establish dominance over a territory if not provoked. Can live peacefully with mortals. Unlike lycanthropes
- can age enough to develop pheromone sensitivity matching animals. This can lead to them being difficult to lie to
- old enough Berserkers will sense emotional responses of most humans behind posturing. Exceptionally good actors can fool them. Harder still for anthros to lie.

- rather obvious danger of going feral. Villages, towns and cities are sought after because they anchor the Bersker's waking mind. Interacting with other people is what keeps them sane.
- extended periods of isolation can lead to loss of social abilities or sociopathic leanings. Can culminate into irreversibly feral attitude.

- Edan Ibsen is local main example. Old enough to have a sizable buffer against going feral. Rages can be fairly focused. Severe injuries would have to be suffered for him to really lose control.

- thralls tend to be selected in survivalists or urban explorers. Blood tends to enhance hunting instincts, so enthralling an anthro or human who doesn't have hunting skills is useless.
- enthralling an unskilled citizen can lead to "Housecat Effect". Bound individuals will unconsciously try and turn basic hunting drives into games.
- a grown man experiences an all-consuming desire to play tag with small children? Typical example. Or competitive FPS gamer who uses Berserker blood to stay focused in deathmatches.

e) The Guild
- said to be related to Paracelsus at the earliest. Older precursors are unknown.
- selects intellectuals and researchers.
- blood mages. Only mortal plane residents who can work this school of magic.
- also reasonable necromancers
- characterized by near-instant healing of small cuts and usually very pale skin and lack of hair.
- can sometimes include elongated fingernails. Depends on how absent-minded the vampire is. :)
- constant bloodletting has gotten the breed used to working with a minimal amount of fuel.
- very conservative drinkers. Killing their victims/donors is a serious faux pas for them. They usually feed in small nips.
- most don't even like making their donors weak with lack of blood.
- can be variably demonstrative, but most are very considerate of mortals. They tend to keep two things in their freezers: blood pints and juice and crackers.
- very polite and well-spoken on average. Young Guildmates are rare. Fledgelings usually selected from doctorates and professors. A lot of elderly men and women frozen in time.
- can seem a little ponderous or sluggish due to lack of stored juice. Usually fresh or even cold to the touch. Tend to look fairly "dead".
- most are "dead" enough to enter a lethargic state mid-gesture when local via fields dry up for long enough. Old Guildmates aren't paralyzed by lessened via fields.
- can lead to labs sitting still for decades with dust piling up, and pale vampires with long fingernails holding the last pose they took. Like mannequins.
- some can forget to feed and start to smell bad...
- their lack of blood is a good defensive mechanism. They don't smell very appetizing to other vampires.

- the Court has Hunger, the Guild has Kenning. Basically insatiable curiosity. They're at their happiest when they're learning or developing something, but satisfaction is ever-fleeting.
- frustrations can lead to fairly epic and dangerous rages. Fingernails, like the rest of vampire bodies, are more resilient than mortal norm. They don't even need claws to rake someone's chest open.
- rages would indicate fairly developed instincts underneath all that poise. Most look stiff, but can be inhumanly agile if pushed.
- oddly, society sees them as second best surrogate parents for mortal children in all breeds, after Carmilla who prove to be well-adjusted.
- seeing as you learn *while* teaching, most end up taking teaching positions of various degrees. From elementary school up to late university

- very sensitive to sunlight. Skin's cellular integrity breaks down quickly in daylight. Widespread cancers can form in minutes. Can kill specimens after an hour of exposure.

- thralls gain tighter focus in intellectual matters and heightened speed and reflexes.

- local main representative is Matthias d'Aubignier. Former French monk from late Hundred Years War. Was more of a grammarian and theological researcher
- unlife broadened his interests. Crisis of faith was present, but not as strong as before.
- still more of a researcher than a blood mage. Manages local library's Arcane Theory section, works with Goliath and others through Trismegistus Institute.
- sort of a mage-centric university and service provider

f) The Circus
- term refers to each settlement in species, as well
- exact precursor is unknown.
- selects people based on karmic punishment. Most tend to have a few initial decades of highly aggressive attitude towards mortals. Selection criteria vary greatly as a result. Can be practical or very, very petty.
- characterized by hideous appearance and immense variety of affected mutations. No control or underlying theme.
- mutations appear to put considerable strain on body and mind for first few mortal lifetimes. Some can be adjusted, others can be a little loopy as a result
- most openly ostracized of all bloodlines. Career holders are rare and vampire welfare hasn't been solved yet. Most take to sewers and abandoned projects.
- method of selection can be a little dangerous. Can create sociopaths in the worst case, or hardened leaders who eventually recover from standard period of massive bitterness.
- both social groups view bitter fledgelings as "teenagers", despite age of turned mortal. Every Freak starts out bitter and vindictiive, but most grow past it.
- Cynicism seems to be a common leftover of that period, or world-weariness. If subject doesn't just snap and retreat to a fantasy world, or create an alternate who can handle the pressure.
- older Freaks rarely, if ever take children. Creating other vampires seems to be a hallmark of undead adolescence for them.
- older vampires who do take others have more practical reasons, usually. Will seek to better their underground community by adding a talented member.

- empathy is still a factor. If you're not too pretty, not too brazenly successful or too full of yourself, they'll relate well enough with you.
- as such, some older Freaks can sometimes create others out of care. Terminally ill mortal friend? That's reason enough. They tend to value innocence - that one trait children have before they turn into judgemental assholes.
- considering, most Freaks are extremely dilligent in protecting children in slummier corners of the city. Also applies to hobos and vagrants - anyone who doesn't exactly look like they need to be brought down a few pegs.

- local heads of Freak communities are called Ringleaders. As of Vienna Accords, tend to be Freaks who actually can hold down a job, for the sake of better interacting with the outside world.
- brokering information has always been a good way for the breed to curry favors or ensure survival.
- older Freaks develop innately supernatural speeds and develop personal techniques to meld in shadows. Very light-footed.
- most become master escapists and thieves in short order. Effectively allows them to emulate invisibility or the appearance of being able to just appear out of thin air.

- their appearance and the taste of their blood are weaknesses enough. All can survive in sunlight, but there's no point in that if you make people sick or terrified by coming too close.
- considering, most tend to stick to nighttime appearances or forced gloom. No outreach campaign seems to work in convincing people that it's absolutely okay to look like a slasher flick's deformed antagonist
- mortals tend to abuse them, which triggers abuse *from* them, which triggers more abuse from mortals, etc.
- paranoia is fairly common in bloodline. Conspiracy theorists and shadow networks or closed-off Usenet sections, etc.
- Highly insular, unless you meet above criteria.

- thralls tend to grow nervous and alert for a while, and develop temporary and instinctive knowledge of how to shift weight to avoid producing noise

- local Ringleader is Arthur Holden, former Shakespearian actor; current voice actor.
- more or less in the same league as Jim Cummings or Rob Paulsen. He's "that voice" kids from the eighties and onwards immediately recognize. Does a lot of commercials and trailers.
- would seriously like to make a return on a scene or onscreen, but Freak actors have about zero desirability. Public flat-out doesn't *want* them. Very strong remaining prejudices.
- he's long-since gone past his bitter phase, but the lack of acceptance of his artistry is one of those topics that can bring out the sarcastic asshole in him.
- probably one of the few Freaks who gets along reasonably well with his topside neighbours. Arthur still thinks they're being glory hogs, though.
- anyone born after 1982 tends to instantly recognize his voice, making him the exception that confirms the rule. He has quite the fandom.
- doesn't fit with what he *really* wants, though. Recognition for adult productions, High Art stuff, biggest classics.

- doubles as main information broker in town. More or less the Mycroft to Archie's Sherlock. Tends to offer his less-than-licit services under the table.
- he also helps his own people get whatever jobs he can find for them. Usually fairly menial stuff. Is your average job center's worst nightmare. :)

Three main problems: Slayers, Monsters and Covenants

1. Slayers: bigotry and fear still exist. Right-wing movements can still consider vamps as inhuman. Some fundamentalist religious congregations form their ranks into vampire killers.
- severe thoracic injuries (stakes) rarely kill vampires, but can pin them down to deliver the finishing blow. Easy enough a technique to master for unskilled zealots.
- undead murders are a rising concern. YouTube has a handful of uploaded "manifestos" by self-righteous killers.
- legal system has adapted, but it's clear that popular thought hasn't. Plenty of right-wing political formations calling for a second revision of penal codes that could make slaying legal in certain circumstances

- vampires aren't that hard to kill. Stage a car crash, rush out of the car, pop a few bullets in the groggy vamp's head. Planning and firepower can override all vamp strengths.
- ordinary humans and anthros have killed vampires a thousand years old. Clanks and cyborgs have an even easier time.
- vampire pundits like to perpetuate the image of the "unkillable" vampire (television and media), but this is false. Guildmates prove it.
- sick kids or adults can trap Guildmates in an exterior courtyard shortly before sun-up.

- still, the known public stance is that these abuses are criminal and aren't tolerated. Still plenty of prosecutions and attempts to reinforce popular opinion
- for instance, stories about vampire heroes or artists, pioneers of industry, philosophers, physicians, etc. Official news outlets try and strengthen positive aspects of vampirism
- ethics of turning a moribund person are still being questioned. Doesn't stop a new trend in wills and testaments from cropping up...
- ...mentioning a vampire friend or associate as a designated "sire" in event of your imminent death.

- considering, 2025's "Fang Boom" involves mostly elderly or early retirees being turned.

- problems also exist with teens throwing their mortal lives away, or some people figuring that life now *does* have a rehearsal period. Boosts juvenile delinquency. Observable rise in car crashes in 18-25 age radius
- a lot of young adults acting under the influence, figuring a vampire pal will save their skin anyway. Obviously doesn't always happen. When it does...
- that is seen by vampires as worst type of fledgeling imaginable. Young idiots who take their powers for granted and demand respect they don't deserve.

2. Monsters: undeath freezes areas of the brain in the state they were in during the moment of death.
- if maturity was never developed or if individual is known for being careless, chances are he or she will remain as such.
- especially the case with people turned early in their lives. Older brains will adapt easier and still manage to change a bit. Younger ones won't.

- turning toddlers and very young children is a desperate action that's frowned upon. Sapience then doesn't replace the baby's almost binary temper, but complements it.
- can end with little and terrifyingly powerful undead who have zero sense of perspective, no hindsight whatsoever and no desire or ability to learn from their mistakes.
- isn't even their fault. Brain develops in a way that encourages strong outbursts and more or less enslaves the later developed conscious mind to base desires.

- seeing as not every teenager is created equal, some can end up like this. Stuck with the impulsiveness and temperamental nature of eternal puberty.

- combination of old minds and very juvenile impulses are called Monsters by vampires. Usually ostracized, treated like walking piles of TNT.
- they tend not to live very long, unless cunning of some sort end up balancing their usually reckless nature.
- Huey Francis is an example of this.

3. Covenants: not all vampires appreciate coming out of the coffin.
- some miss the power secrecy gave them, the freedom of being able to act outside of the law by virtue of not existing on any legal level
- Covenants used to be centennial gatherings between all local heads of all bloodlines to discuss business and relevant issues. Legal existence made this useless. Phone and teleconferences replaced that. More frequent meetings.
- could be used to grasp elements of mortal life in a concerted fashion and drive local politics and issues favorably. No longer applicable without potential prosecution.
- some vampires don't care, and keep doing it. Covenants are essentially illegal think tanks and lobbies, now. The wet dream of conspiracy theorists.
- covenants can sometimes have supremacist leanings. Tend to be helmed by master tacticians.
- never outwardly dangerous to anyone, but very noxious to healthy mortal democratic processes.

- they can have organized criminal elements. These *can* be dangerous to others.
- usually hidden behind a maze of exceptionally developed corporations. No easily detectable shell games. They obviously know better.
- some of the trickiest groups for people like Aldergard to unravel. Financial security advisors and corporate regulators around the world work 24/7 to try and undermine these groups and dismantle them
- *very* dangerous if occult elements are mixed in. Guild of Makers is an example. Make the Freemasons and Illuminati look like try-hards.
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