To George

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To George

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

What have your impressions been of Shield? How did you find out further information into who they are? Do you hope to reach out to them as friends?
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As George

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Before standing as the head of the Promethean Order or an Abomination; I consider myself - quite plainly enough, I should say - as a Rhode Island native some two hundred years in the making. I obviously am little more than just another tax-payer in Hope, nevermind the fact that the City Hall has never seen the face behind all those dutifully filled-out tax reports or election ballots.

Upon the advent of the American Superhero, I looked to the city's luminaries as fellow cohorts I could only interact with from afar. I've sent a few curios to mister Quigley over the years and recovered some of Lord Holden's discarded gears, reassembling them in small and slightly thematic puzzles for their enjoyment. They were always sent as gifts from Gammell's Toybox, of course, with the house's seasonal compliments. I've brushed against those for whom I expressed gratitude or respect - if not through my own means, then through my simple mechanical amusements.

Of course, some would say that the Drake household having a number of my musical snowglobes is an indication of such a level of fondness, but I would have to admit that Aidan's Yuletide decorations were traditionally purchased. I suspect Dawn - Aidan's mother - is a lifelong fan of my animated puppets. She simply kept a family tradition alive by giving her patronage to my establishment.

However, unless events unfold at a faster pace than anticipated, I shall have to continue manifesting my respect towards the city's new protectors in small, sporadic and timely gifts.

Being a bit of a spymaster, however, I've indeed had to assuage some of the locally hidden Abominations who had expressed fears in regards to the safety of their cover. Let Holden Hall's prodigies put an end to those many unfortunates who were unable to seek freedom 'pon their creation; I still needed to make sure my charges would be able to continue living by the favor of their veils or cybernetics. To that end, I poked my proverbial nose in most of everyone's private and public lives, attempting to find hard little nuggets of tolerance or gleaming chunks of verbalized open-mindedness. To make an admittedly long story rather short, I enjoyed what I found. Bigotry may still be present amongst the civilians, but I am confident that one distinct chapter of the local law enforcement would be ready and willing to ensure my people's safety, were they properly briefed.

Considering, I would gladly reach out to them as friends or colleagues, and my charges would be relieved to know that the local superheroes can tell the difference between an Abomination with no powers of self-determination and any one of my own people. We've all had to suffer greatly in order to claim our freedom, but our story differs from those of emancipation or escape that marked the onset of the War of Secession.

For the men of Africa who were born on these shores or the Asian families who came in search of prosperity but only discovered tunnels in need of nitroglycerin, justice was eventually served. Of course, both are undeniably human elements. How would one of the Void Weavers' creations fare on the job market if it could wear its nature plainly and proudly? How would I fare amongst polite society, with features as stark as these?

I don't rightly envy these so-called Shieldies, as they will need to use the law and its occasionally repressive approaches in order to foster peace and integration between Humanity and Animates such as myself. It will be a long and hard time before ensuring peace for my people becomes an effortless endeavor, as thoughtless and routine as road patrol. Some of my people will grow impatient or lash out, some of Shield's own contigent may grow displeased with the difficult nature of some of my charges. They will have to oppose their tolerance to the kind of bigotry that would seem thoughtless and hateful, nowadays - and doing so is quite exasperating, in my experience.

For all of these pitfalls and stumbling blocks, the starved socialite in me looks to open collaboration the way a thirsting man would to an oasis in the desert."
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Re: To George

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Now you've got me curious. How did you find out information on the Shield members without being in direct contact with them?
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As George

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"I may be somewhat limited in my ability to move about the city unhindered, but several of my charges are less handicapped than myself - provided a decent Veil or cosmetic items are on offer. Furthermore, this modern world places so much focus on its electronic shade as to forget the analog realm almost entirely.

You would be surprised to know what can be inferred from trash bags or recycling bins, to be entirely honest. All I require is a few points of ingress in the local junkyards and garbage disposal services, and handsomely remunerated collaborators amongst the waste collectors who have the rather simple job of applying a small sticker on items deemed sensitive. Through this, I know the Drakes are supporters of organic food and that, conversely, mister Jenkins is a rather lax citizen in terms of environmental consciousness. One or two therapy bills on the side, paid and discarded tuition fee stubs for young Sarah; while the other is entirely focused on making things move at ludicrous speeds, sometimes at the complete expense of personal safety. I've found thrown and broken items associated to weapon maintenance, and Aislinn's own dustbins contained far more than used needles and the occasional broken tattoo gun's motor. With some perseverence, I've found a broken plate, a pair of white gloves with some measure of blood on a few fingers, and a few discarded finger bandages. Gubbin has therefore attempted to mask what he obviously would consider as a small failure unbecoming of his status as a manservant...

People tend to throw their humanity, the very truth of what they are and what they stand for, for garbage collectors to dispose of. What is left is what we are comfortable with others seeing, a curated version of the truth that leaves out personal failings, insecurities, small bothers or causes of grievous anger."
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