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More of a long-term idea than anything else, but...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:30 am
by IamLEAM1983
As Meris and Lucian get involved, the Weavers get more cautious, and Shield has a harder time fishing out cultists and protecting the city's borders. Soon enough, it gets to the point where Meris can't get new intel, George's exhausted his leads and Lucian can't dig up anything new without endangering his family needlessly. Anton, however, has one ace in the hole.

Having managed to recover part of Elysium's project files for Rendell's creation, he finds out how to create Void Weaver shells for the minds of Lexicon users to, well, drive - a bit like Avatar. This allows Three and Jenkins to go undercover as Squids and to maybe shift the balance of power to make things harder for the Chamberlain and Arkham. For about one chapter, things unfold as planned, with the two soldiers basically being in a monitored artificial coma while their minds are down in Dalarath. I figure one of the selkies is also planted in the troglodyte city as a slave for one of the two fake Squids to purchase.

A decisive victory is won and the surface-world spies recover their advantage. After a few tense scrapes, the Three and Jenkins Squids are extracted, along with the selkie. Anton restores Aidan and Charles to their proper bodies - but there's a hitch in the works...

A few days later, the surrogate bodies reawaken, convinced that they're the originals.

What do you do with two confused and disoriented Void Weavers who have the exact same skillsets and memories as the team's two soldiers, plus all the abilities of Void Weavers? Do you kill them or do you help them adapt to their unique selves by helping them assume their own identities?

Re: More of a long-term idea than anything else, but...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:12 pm
by TennyoCeres84
That sounds like an interesting idea. I imagine helping the Void Weavers develop their own personalities and adapt to society would be like how Talon's clones adjusted in the past.

Re: More of a long-term idea than anything else, but...

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 7:41 am
by TennyoCeres84
Just had an idea, Leam. What if the former Three Void Weaver became the revamped Cuthbert?