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Your Characters and Video Games

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:27 pm
by IamLEAM1983
What games would they play?

Lucian: mostly the early point-and-click classics, I'd say. Myst, Riven et al. plus maybe Shadowgate.
Henry Kulich: Solitaire. He's not much of a gamer, but he'd welcome the occasional chess round.
Travis: Uplink, Hacker Evolution, Disrupt, Watch_Dogs - mostly anything with a "hacker" theme, and chiefly for the purposes of destroying it all in forums. Add a few turns with the 2020's Call of Duty titles or whatever sequels Destiny might spawn, plus a healthy run of several indie studios.
Nigel: parts of Travis' repertoire, plus the Splinter Cell and Metal Gear Solid series.
Three: being a more intellectual take on a CoD-bro, he's also played his run of military shooters. He plays with close friends and doesn't take himself too seriously. He's also open to RPGs and got hooked on the (period-appropriate) retro-gaming thrill of the Elder Scrolls series. I figure he has an unimaginatively-named Imperial that's stuck around the thirties. Gerald McStabbington the Imperial mostly sticks to shortswords and shields.
Aldergard: he didn't touch anything games-wise for centuries, until Cordatus introduced him to D&D. He... more or less forgot himself at the table and went so deep into character he scared a few kids at Tanner's office. Wulfgar the Draconian Barbarian has been sitting pretty at Level 1 but with an impressive kill tally for the past two years.
Cordatus: he's lost days to Flappy Bird and dug into the latest D&D sourcebooks with utter abandon. He has to carry the "shame" of having enabled one of Aldergard's rare addictions, which happened to be minmaxing. Tanner wanted to play roles, Kuhn wanted to KILL ALL THE THINGS.
Alderan: Parcheesi, anyone? Tanner tried to introduce him to Settlers of Catan, but it felt too much like work.
Percival: chess and jousts. That's it. Jousts in which he's both the steed t the knight riding it. Headbutts in lieu and place of lances.
Amazo: I think he's developed a liking to Monopoly and Risk. Anything that allows him to pretend like his flamboyant self includes past credit as a land or oil baron strokes his ego and feels awesome.
Bucky: he won't tell anyone, but he misses tiddlywinks. He's tried Pogs, but nobody plays Pogs in 2025. He tends to content himself with checkers and chess, knowing he couldn't work his way around a video game controller.
Archie: pick a card game, any card game. He also plays chess, did a few run-throughs in casinos in his time, and he remembers playing croquet and a more reserved take on badminton, as a kid.
Melmoth: he's a simulation nut. He has all the obscure stock exchange simulators the market's ever released, he's played all the Sim games, with a lesser amount of hours in the Sims franchise. Playing with little dolls amuses him less than finagling city finances and allocating resources to various municipal programs.
Barney: he's gotten acquainted with Sudoku during stakeouts, but that's pretty much it.
Forsythe: games are too frivolous, he'd say. Until you catch him classifying, de-classifying and re-classifying his coin collection. Then you realize it's a self-made unconscious game called Try and Find Nonexistent Discrepancies in Your Arbitrary Gathering of Knickknacks.
Earl Grey: he's landed on a few game shows in the past and tends to come across as a trivia and statistics nut. Trivial Pursuit and Cards Against Humanity would be two of his favorites.
Anton: like Forsythe, he'd claim he has no hobbies or games. Then you realize he's a frequent anonymous contributor to Wikis associated to Sci-Fi and Fantasy TV series. Refuting fan theories and being condescending towards complete strangers seems to be a game in and of itself.
Jack Greene: does Shoot Blanks at Nosy Kids count?
Allan: being a self-professed party animal, party games are where he excels. Beer Pong, limbo, Musical Chairs... His favorite would be Awkward Twister. Something this physical being played with a near-stranger? Ooooh, yummy.
Gubbin: he'd also claim he needs no entertainment, and then you'll find him just staring at the road, outside. He'll say he's thinking, but he's actually building completely useless lists of the number of blue cars he's managed to see, catalogued by make and model. Add to that the fact that if Aislinn's apartment has any dangling decorations, he'll have to fight himself to avoid poking them repeatedly.
Arthur: crank calls are some of his favorite things, and he tends to get involved in anything celebratory the city puts together for Halloween. He really misses the Atmosfear line of VHS and DVD board games. Interrupting a tense set of board-game rules with a dramatic thunderclap and choice makeup effects to make himself come across as being even more hideous is part of a game he hosts once a year.
William Spector: the Friendly Neighbourhood Slender Man is actually a sports games fan. Give him the latest NFL roster, a console and an Internet connection and he's all set to go.
John Smith: apart from Let's Creatively Downsize Underperforming Departments, he's pretty much a Solitaire buff.
Weasel: some basic desktop offerings, your occasional mobile app, and poker. Weasel absolutely loves a good round of congenial poker.
Frank: he's more than likely stuck on a Paradise import, something like a holographic and badass version of Rock-em-Sock-em Robots.
Thomas Ephesian: his kids are into the tenth iteration of Disney Infinity something fierce, so he's into it as well by definition. His teenage years probably involved a decent share of Sega Genesis hours, and he's trying to get ahold of a working console through eBay.
Baverley Walton: I figure irony has it he's a secret MMO player and actually happens to be a guild leader. Borkul Stormrage the Level 90 Orc that makes about two hundred teenagers stare in utter envy across the Eastern seaboard is actually being run by the world's most cowardly politician.
Doherty: only the best game ever, known as Where's my Double Mayonnaise Mega Club Sandwich, you Worthless Penniped?!
Madeline Buck: Solitaire and Mahjong, when the curse doesn't go for something petty and sadistic and makes her motherboard go poof for the third time in a month.
Eliphas Buck: Chess. Correspondence chess. Madeline's too busy and Zeb can't be counted on for anything.
Zebediah Buck: if games involve drinking yourself to a stupor and momentarily finding your own pathetic situation absolutely hilarious is a game, then yeah, he plays games.
Greg Rendell: his entire life is a high-stakes chess game, but if he has to go meta for the sake of entertaining a lesser mind, then he approaches the same game with enough seriousness to make Gary Kasparov wonder if someone hasn't wired explosives to his chair while he wasn't looking.
Leonard: One player only, seven billion NPCs, no rules. He considers his stay in the mortal plane to feel like a run in a The Sims game. He didn't get to pre-generate anybody, but he'll play with these little people's lives as long as he wants to and as much as he needs to.

Re: Your Characters and Video Games

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:14 am
by Karl the Mad
Charles: Obviously he gravitates toward the open-world mayhem-enablers like the Saints' Row and Grand Theft Auto games, usually using trainers for the full powergaming experience. Perhaps unexpectedly, though, he's not too bad at chess.
Mary: The usual open-world fare in addition to cop simulators like Sleeping Dogs & LA Noire would be something she'd go for, if she weren't too busy recreating Mirror's Edge in real life on a daily basis.
Katherine: Like Kuhn, she has a knack for D&D, although she's tried her hand at the digitized versions of it as well. She's also a sucker for the various Star Wars games.
Preston: When he's not playing the stock market, he's probably playing stealth oriented games with "hacking" bits added in, like the Deus Ex series and Watch_Dogs, and Remember Me on occasion. Privately, he went back and reprogrammed Alpha Protocol to actually work, on a mechanical level, and considers this the pinnacle of his casual ones-and-zeroes accomplishments.
Jimmy Winters: The most he's ever done is fantasy football, preferring card games and chess like Archie. But since many of the younger folks in his gang play all manner of games, he's surprisingly well informed on what might be trending.
Shijima: Old-school hack-and-slash games like Dynasty Warriors bring back memories of the golden age of the samurai for this grizzled old clank.
Bryce Masterson: He'd claim to be too busy keeping Masterson Armatures and the vintage tech markets afloat, but don't be fooled. Bryce is a die-hard fan of racing sims, from Need for Speed to Gran Turismo and everything in between. Open-world fare with enough racing bits catch his eye too.
Luther Callahan: The laid-back former Triad gangster is a casual mobile gamer at best, although he has a vintage Wii with some fitness games to stay in shape and keep his bum leg from atrophying further. That's more like exercise than gaming to him, though.