Let's Plays and Commentaries

Because your admin happens to be a gamer and he likes to jabber on about games he's played.

Feel free to post your own gaming chronicles here, or any gaming-related discussions that don't pertain to message board-based role-playing. This will allow us to keep things a little cleaner.
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Let's Plays and Commentaries

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I've managed to find a decent Bandicam configuration that allows me to record both whatever games and software I set to be recorded, as well as my own voice. There's fairly minimal lag for very little sacrifices on my part in terms of graphical fidelity, so it shouldn't be too much of an insult to core gamers out there. :)

If there's anything you'd like me to record a few hours of for shits and giggles, let me know. Feel free to use my list of reviews as an indicator of what I can do LPs for, or to ask me to see what I'm prepared to record. In any case, I might have to start another YouTube channel, mostly to keep my personal and family-oriented Google account clutter-free.

If this does turn serious, I'll have to rubberneck around for means to at least append decent intros on the relatively cheap. Otherwise I might just upload the raw files, warts and all, and leave it at that.

I've stress-tested with the most intensive games I have, from Skyrim to Crysis 2 and FarCry 3; and I haven't found any noticeable loss of performance. I'd say I'm set, considering.
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