Aislinn McConmara

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Aislinn McConmara

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Name: Aislinn McConmara
Age: 25 years old
Gender: female
Species: Selkie/roane

Strengths: With the Centennial Tree’s recent reawakening, her mostly latent abilities have surfaced. The most notable one is her telekinesis, its strength still rather limited. As of now, she can lift a pen or similarly sized object with relative ease, but larger items still seem beyond her grasp. From her perspective, telekinesis works like an invisible hand that is capable of moving things around, but that hand can be influenced by things like strong emotions or alcohol. She has started practiced more detailed movements to fine-tune this ability without the use of intense emotions.
Some latent abilities as a mage have started displaying themselves. Much to her annoyance, she somehow managed to lock herself and Ciaran out of their apartment when she had a bad mood swing come on. And this happened when they both had their keys with them…
Her telepathy proves useful enough; even with the circle of people she actually communicates through this method is fairly limited. She figures this fact could get better if she were able to have contact with more telepaths who are willing to listen, not just her family or the local curmudgeons...
Her ability of being able to shift into a seal is the one she’s been anticipating the most is the chance to don her seal pelt and go for a swim.
With the worldly influence of her parents, she knows English, Inuktuit, some French, some Irish Gaelic, and Selkie.
While no Rembrandt or Da Vinci, Aislinn displays a great deal of artistic talent when it comes to drawing or painting, which lends to her job as a tattooist.

Weaknesses: Like all selkies, Aislinn’s biggest weakness is her pelt. If she doesn’t have it, she cannot change forms. The same goes if someone caused harm to the sealskin; she would face the equivalent effect.
Since her telepathy has just started really being able, you can describe this ability as an unpredictable radio, in that she sometimes hears people’s thoughts she doesn’t really want to hear. This can lead to annoying headaches and occasionally awkward situations.
A similar issue arises with her telekinesis and her Type A personality traits. Strong emotions tend to make the ability go haywire, which will usually end in something cracking or shattering.
Her assertiveness can make her seem bossy or harshly blunt to where it causes friction with others, depending on their own demeanors.

Appearance: When people see the seal woman, she seems like a walking cultural conflict. The majority of Hope’s citizen associate selkies with the clannish and cranky fishermen of Mertown. Selkies that live outside of that social norm are still accepted, but viewed as peculiarities nonetheless. A Goth selkie descended from traveling selkies is most assuredly considered an oddity. Aislinn carries herself in a manner that shows she doesn’t really care what others think.

She stands at 5’1” and weighs 120 pounds, a physique she keeps toned for aesthetic and health reasons. Her pale face is rounded with a slightly angular chin with slanted brown eyes tied with her mother’s Inuit heritage. While some Goths might want to adopt some exotic hairstyle and makeup, she tends to keep it on the practical side. She lets her black, windswept curls fall where they may; her makeup keeps itself to kohl-lined eyes with smoky eye shadow. She may occasionally include black or red lipstick. Two rows of small, sharp and curved teeth line her mouth.

Her tattoos are a matter of cultural pride for her. On her back is a stylized seal in black and blue; blue and black spiral outlines make up her tattoo sleeves, names of ancestors written in selkie script in between the lines. They have a noticeably raised surface, due to the unique method of tattooing: having an ink-laden bone needle tapped repeatedly into the skin. Other exotic features on her body include piercings on her right brow, earlobes, nipples and navel. Like all selkies, she has webbed fingers and toes. Iridescent silver patches are scattered along her body.

During her day-to-day work, Aislinn doesn’t wear fancy corsets or bustle gowns. Her attire usually includes corset t-shirts, black tanktops, band t-shirts with jeans or something equally casual. Boots are a common sight on her feet.

Her phocine form is that of a harbor seal: gray with silvery black and white spots along her back and sides.

Behavior: Aislinn has managed to develop what it takes to be a female body artist and a supernatural in 2025 Hope. She is fiercely independent and can be a spitfire, sarcasm acting as the flame. The selkie has a strong sense of social justice, even if some of her views might prove controversial. She is willing to defend and help others, but could have trouble letting others help her due to her autonomous nature. She may even be overly defensive if she feels threatened on some level. This can also extend to her individualistic tendencies. Driven to a fault, Aislinn knows what she wants and is rarely indecisive. This can cause her personality to conflict with those with a more passive or unsure nature, like Three. It can be an extremely frustrating point of contention for her.

With her awakening powers, she accepts them, even though they aren’t as impressive as some skilled psions are. All selkies are born with the abilities, so they are encouraged to nurture them when they can. Her abilities as a rookie mage do make her question them at times; isn’t her telekinesis enough? Though, with Amazo on her to keep going, it seems she will accept this skill with time. Her descent from Meris, an archmage, doesn’t really influence her. She views the woman like a historical figure like most selkies do. She just happens to be related to her.

As a tattooist, she functions as an artist, but also as something akin to bartender with a listening ear or a therapist. She sees all kinds of people come in: some are just dumb drunks, but a client may come in wanting a tattoo based on a transformative event in his or her life. That client may have the urge to talk, and she will be there to listen. She hasn’t yet refused a client’s request for a tattoo, even when that someone wants racist imagery permanently embedded in their skin. She views it as a way of making money, but also as a method of branding idiots for what they truly are. These are a rare few; most of her clients are the type to keep returning to turn their bodies into living canvases.

Goals: Aislinn’s first and foremost goal is running her tattoo and piercing parlor, The White Wave. It’s her baby, and she worked hard to get it established. She hopes to continue working as a body artist for as long as she is able to. She figures she might even take on apprentices of her own one day.

Since the Centennial Tree has awakened, she’s promised herself to savor every bit of being a selkie as much as possible. Who knows when it might go dormant again? She does see her abilities as a bonus point to be used, albeit for practical reasons like moving objects around.

Of course, her employment with Shield will have her focus capabilities as a mage and a supernatural toward the greater good. If she can deal with the blustery mayor and the various high-powered veterans in Hope, she feels she’ll be able to make it.

History: Aislinn was born to Cole and Sedna McConmara in 2000, along with her fraternal twin brother, Ciaran. Aislinn’s creativity displayed itself early on in her childhood. Bestowed with a box of crayons, she started using the hull of her family’s houseboat as her canvas. Obviously, this behavior was curtailed quickly and coloring books and paper became the sources of manifesting her imagination.

Living in a houseboat meant having close relationships with her two siblings, Ciaran and Neasa. Toys were limited as there was only so much space and money to go around. Privacy was at a premium and that sometimes had the selkie children butting heads. Trips taken to local bodies of water were woven into their upbringing. This was to have them keep strong ties to the water, but as well making sure strong bonds developed between them.

Beyond drawing and painting, Aislinn also liked to read. She sated her hunger for books by reading fantasy, horror, sci-fi and many classics. As she reached her teens, she started mingling with the local Goth kids at her school’s book club. Time passed as she delved more into the subculture with her friends, some of them eventually leaving as they found Gothdom to be boring. It surprisingly blended with some aspects of her native culture, which she was just fine with. Also during this time, she took drawing and painting classes to better her artistic skills.

By the time she got to eighteen, she talked with her uncle that had settled in Mertown with her parents and asked him to start working on the tattoos that she has today. He mainly did cultural tattooing as a side job and hadn’t trained in mainstream tattooing. He taught her what he could and told her to seek apprenticeship under someone with a wider spectrum of skills.

That someone was Aristide Duvivier, an anthro gorilla who doubled as a houngan and tattooist. Duvivier required Aislinn to start her apprenticeship by simply cleaning his shop. After a year or so had gone by, he allowed her to start using the needles and other tools necessary for the craft. She gave free tattoos to clients after having signed a waiver as part of her apprenticeship, under Duvivier’s supervision. Intermingled with her base training, she also picked up the skills to do piercings as well.

Six years, later, she had achieved tattooing everything from Japanese kanji to images with elaborate shading, as well as the deeper meaning behind tattooing people. She felt it was time to go out on her own and start her own business. Ciaran suggested that they live together and foot the bill on rent when Aislinn found the perfect building to set up her business.
At 24 years of age, she was the entrepreneur of her very own business, White Wave Tattooing and Piercing Parlor.

With the recent Tree activity, Aislinn and her siblings experienced a profoundly important time in any selkie’s life: the ability to shift into their seal forms for the first time. Up until that point, their parents had kept their pelts under lock and key. Of course, they had to prove that they were worthy to be bestowed with the honor of their natural shape shifting ability.

Thankfully, the man who had performed previous ceremonies, Edan Ibsen, had awakened from the decades-long slumber placed upon him by the Centennial Tree’s dormancy. Each of the McConmara siblings had to offer a physical part of themselves, such as hair or blood, to symbolize the sacrifices of their forbears had done millennia ago. They then had to endure the test of being able to survive out in the woods without any modern conveniences for a month’s time. Aislinn, Ciaran, and Neasa succeeded with flying colors and received their pelts as their hard-earned reward. Their parents told them to use their sealskins as much as possible to ensure the link between them and their other self.

Yet, the Tree’s awakening did not necessarily mean it was only a time to rejoice in her newfound form, but it was also a call to defend Hope’s citizens against the looming threats in the horizon…
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