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Post by IamLEAM1983 »


- dragons influenced animal evolution. Some species survived Extinction Events, others didn't. Mammoths + Smilodons, for instance. They survived Ice Age, part of everyday anthro makeup.
- 31% of total world population. Second most important group.
- forged by via. Usually very sensitive to it. Manifests as expressivity, liveliness + probable empathy. Anthros feel larger than life to humans. Not quite cartoony, but def. more expressive than humans.
- sociopolitical importance shifts a lot over History. Sometimes worshipped as gods, sometimes enslaved. Held as equals in the modern days. Anthro prominence began in Industrial Revolution, seeds in most earlier world conflicts
- anthros historically supported Lincoln, for instance. Very low percentage of Southern anthros were Confederates. Usually those of "noble" breeds. Canines, felines, horses, pigs, etc.
- humans tend to grow closer to certain breeds than others. Human + canine friendships or pairings are very common. Human + Lizard? Less so. Some species are ostracized as a result.
- This feeds stereotypes. Lizards are seen as crotchety, mustelids are sneaky, rats regarded with faint suspicion, etc.
- Plenty anthros break their molds, though. Repentant German Shepherd Nazi soldiers, flexible boars, sociable lizards, etc. People have trouble seeing it.

- Higher percentage of anthro supes and mages than for Mankind. Comes with being born of via
- Part of every workforce imaginable, in every strata of society. As capable as any human - with a few perks. Heightened senses in line with parent species. Never quite superhuman; just a detectable perk.
- Perks can also cause problems on occasion. Species with sensitive noses will be bothered more easily. Movement-sensitive sorts can get "keyed off" with movies and video games. Increases aggression and irritability.
- Avians can get motion-sick if fast movement is not resulting from own body moving, for instance.
- Sometimes, evolution diversifies perks, too. Anthro sharks are very good noses overall. Not just for blood suspended in water.

- bigots exist, but most are close to humans, now. Have been since Neolithic. Inextricable bonds in History.
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