Nami Urakawa (W.I.P.)

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Nami Urakawa (W.I.P.)

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Name: Nami Urakawa
Age: 28 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Nephilim

Strengths: Being the daughter of the Water Throne and a Malk, Nami received a mixed bag of abilities. Instead of having water-related powers, she is an empath. She can easily read mundanes who do not know how to block telepaths or other psions, but reading someone who can barricade his or her mind is trickier. The hybrid is also able to broadcast feelings as a means of offense or defense; however, the legality and personal safety of such practices makes her limit her use of this tactic. Demons of the Pit are obviously an exception, and she has no qualms about blasting them with purity.

Secondly, like her father, she has the ability to fly with the use of her wings. They remain concealed in her back as energy but remain undetectable by arcane and modern means. When pushed into a dire situation, they can be used to swat assailants away.

Possibly due to the mixed inheritance of her parents, her mind functions at a much faster pace than the average person. Her quickened perceptions leads to a slight slowdown of the movements around her, allowing her to experience somewhat faster reflexes. She won't be able dodge bullets or be a speed-based supe, but her reaction time is noticeably quicker; this also allows for faster speech and mental patterns. The minor neural augmentations she has actually benefit her professionally to a degree. While piloting, they help balance out the reactions she displays to a more normal rate, this seems to happen solely on the job for some strange reason. Thankfully, her body has found a compromise so that the augmentations don't short circuit in the back of her neck.

On the mundane level, she knows Japanese and English. In an effort to balance her hyperactive mind, she has been taught Kendo and Tai Chi. She also has a commercial space pilot license.

Weaknesses: Being part angel, she is affected by Hellfire and Infernal metals. It creates a pain not unlike the Bane experienced in Fae. It would manifest as depression and hopelessness; however, striking her enough times with these particular materials would likely result in death.

Given her overactive mind and exuberant personality, Nami tends to irritate some people. In fact, she occasionally has difficulty relating to people who do not share her childlike curiosity and innocence, and vice versa. This can even be extended to her laughing at immature comments during meetings.

Angels are one species that did not have a representative sign the Vienna Accords, so they must remain hidden from the population except for last resort situations. She wants to be able to open up to people about her true nature, but she is prohibited from doing so. On the other hand, she may not have a choice upon continued relations with Shield.

Appearance: To the average person, Nami looks like your standard late twentysomething of a mostly Japanese background with perhaps a little European blood thrown in. This stems from Matriel's current form being passed down genetically despite not being human at all; Hanako's humanoid traits also lend to these mixed traits. Her gait comes across as sprightly and cheerful in nearly all circumstances.

At 5'11” and 155 pounds, she has a slender build with lean muscles and a small bust. Her black hair is styled in a pixie cut with long bangs; her vibrantly blue eyes peek out from behind them. Her jaw and chin are softly angled. When not veiled, Nami sports a pair of large, blue wings.

During days off, she tends to wear bright-colored tank tops or t-shirt with capri pants during the warmer months, pairing them with sandals or flats. Chunky knit dresses with leggings and boots are typical attire during fall and winter. Sleepwear usually consists of a tank top and pants with some cute, cat print. Being an avid swimmer, she usually dons some form of bikini. Every once in a while will have her been seen in a formal business jacket and skirt with pumps.

However, she is most often seen in her flight suit used for flying an Orion shuttle. The one piece garment is a uniform shade of ultramarine with the company's name and three stars stitched into the fabric above the main chest pocket. A series of other pockets can be seen on the pants' legs, sleeves, and front. The material is not only fireproof, but is well insulated against the cold temperatures. A helmet and air mask are also worn with it. Boots and gloves are also seen on her person.

Behavior: Nami is the epitome of the chipper person. Seeming like someone who had just a bit too much coffee that morning, she zips around her environment and delivers her words quickly. There is also the issue of her sometimes not acknowledging someone's personal space and even going so far as to hug that person. People who do not really know her that well wonder if she is on some form of happy pills. Others interpret her as simply being an an ultra-optimist, much to their chagrin..

While Nephilim aren't a dime a dozen, her father speculates that his daughter inherited a tiny sliver of the Creator's unique innocence, youthful exuberance, and insatiable curiosity, her “grandfather”, if you will. It manifests as the dominant force behind her personality and could potentially consume her mentally, like the seraphim who continually praise Him and only have a one-track mind. Given that she is wholly an inhabitant of the moral realm, she was encouraged to adapt as a means of blending in.

Her ability to rein in the near boundless energy within her is based in meditation techniques and martial arts. It is what allows her to function somewhat normally in the everyday world. Her coworkers see it as a switch being turned on or off. During flights and other work-related scenarios, Nami is incredibly focused. During off hours, she seems more like a fun-loving teenager than a woman heading toward her thirties.

However, she is not all sunshine and daffodils. Being a hybrid, there is a definite downside of being unable to share what she is outside of her family. She wishes the Vienna Accords could apply to those in the Realm of Bliss just as it applies to selkies, vampires, and dragons. She can find it difficult around people who are overly serious or who don't have even have a smidgen of wonder for the world around them. She particularly views people obsessed with vapid social media and technology to be rather boring and pities them to an extent. With these issues in mind, her social circle and dating life have been rather limited.

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Re: Nami Urakawa (W.I.P.)

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I'd say it works pretty well! I like the idea of her being one or two degrees of separation away from "God is Super Awesome Automatic Mode", mostly because she'd have an excuse to be annoyed at angels who fit that bill or mortals that are a little too zealous in their pursuits.

It really does make me want to work on a religious nutjob-slash-asshole, at some point in the future.
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