Slay Bells in the Snow

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Re: Slay Bells in the Snow

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

While the kids - or relative kids - were out trying to find them, Crystal would have ample time to have the run of the manor's two wings and three floors. It wasn't much work for Archie either, who'd settled with staying just a few decisions behind the would-be hunters. None of them would see Archibald slipping in one of the old hidden staircases leading to the servants' quarters, but he didn't exactly intend to leave the battlefield, either. Staying behind the door's pane, he was out of sight and certainly not out of mind, unable to keep a grin from invading his face as he heard them scatter.

The solarium, he thought, of course they'd all go there! Oh, but Crystal would know better than to follow her typical lupine cues, and the easiest way to do that involved hanging back in the last place they'd think to look for. Who in their right mind would use the kitchens' fairly open spaces as hiding spots? All she had to do was proceed a bit like he did - leaving them a few minutes to pick up a false trail and then cautiously creep in from behind...

Little did Archie know, however, that his brother had followed almost the very same logic...

* * *

As the kitchens were Bucky's domain and therefore neutral, it stood to reason that Crystal would find there more than enough space to hang back for a few moments. Nevermind how the days of Holden Hall's fully-staffed residence were over, the place was a reminder of those days in which Archie's routine would probably have served as a more Eldritch take on Downton Abbey. With a large and central wooden table where everything from meat to vegetables and desserts had been prepared in generations past, along with connected dining rooms that would forever remain empty, it was a lot of space for a single werewolf to invest.

There was one problem, however, and that problem was the big wooden box Crystal would find on that wooden counter. Closer inspection would reveal it to be carefully layered and lacquered plastic, the fake dark grain of the false wood being particularly convincing. A large black question mark adorned its lid, the font giving the impression that the single character was oozing - or perhaps bleeding. Underneath the lid's little faux brass catch was a small embossed section, green over the fake wood's dark and earthen tones, with three dice printed on it, along with the initials T.G. The box would feel comparatively light to the touch and jangled a little if shook.

On top of the box was a small Post-It note, the font on it not corresponding to anyone's handwriting in the Hall, but clearly printed on it by hand. Bring me to the entrance hall, the note said. Call a cease-fire.
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Re: Slay Bells in the Snow

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

And here she was thinking she had found a good place to hide to ambush the young Shieldies. Having stayed in human form, Crystal picked up the box and studied its imagery, even shaking it a bit. "A board game? And T.G.... Who's T.G.?" she mused aloud. With the spooky, bloodied letters and overall dark display of the box, it did not take her long to figure out Arthur was up to something. She sighed and discarded her Nerf weaponry. "Pity, I was so hoping to hit those kids with some foam darts," she scoffed, turning to leave the kitchen.

She cupped a hand to her mouth and hoped her words would reach the ears of Archie and the others. "I'm calling a ceasefire! No more shooting! Meet me in the entrance hall!" she shouted, then continuing to the designated destination.

The McConmara siblings met the werewolf in the entrance hall, weaponless. "What's the deal, Crystal? I can't believe you just felt like surrendering..." Aislinn queried with a scoff, raising a brow at her.

Crystal chuckled. "No, not at all. I wanted to continue it, but I found this board game," she stated, gesturing to the said item on a nearby table. "I have no idea who or what T.G. stands for, but this isn't Archie's doing. Judging by the design, I think you can figure out who might be tied to the change in plans. Though, this isn't his handwriting, so..." she added with a final shrug.