To Gubbin

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To Gubbin

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

What has your employment been like under Aislinn? What is the best thing you like about her? What is the most annoying?
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As Gubbin

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Madame Aislinn has proven to be markedly different from my previous experience as Gawain's caretaker and manservant. As independent as she is, she still values gainful employment; a concept to which I had not seen Gawain attach much importance. She was already organized and productive, to the point where the first few weeks I spent attempting to find my bearings in her routine seemingly made her uncomfortable. It obviously took some time for us to find where one would not mind the other's involvement, and in what way. Once we were both acclimated, however, I may safely say our proceedings changed from being merely awkward to generally pleasant.

I've grown fond of those book-keeping tasks she has entrusted me with, as not needing to keep an eye on her clients' agreed-upon appointments allows her to focus on her current endeavors. With my assistance, she does not need to fret about tomorrow's tattoos or those to come in the next few days. Only today's assignments preoccupy her, and I do my best to remind her to keep abreast of her designing capabilities. Not all of her work is derived out of model sheets, and setting some time aside to draw only improves her work in the studio. To that end, I've tasked myself with all the domestic chores during the busiest of work days. Thanks to said expressed independence, however, I've had to violate some of my professional concerns and leave her with a few dishes to wash or a room or two to dust. She does not seem to appreciate my taking away all of domesticity's tedium, and seems to find a rhythm in it. It gives purpose to her quieter days.

Alas, like all artists, Milady is also somewhat scatter-brained in her place of business... Where she sees order and carefully arranged implements, I see an undisciplined mess - a pig sty in the busiest of days, really. As I cannot freely move her belongings while she is tending to her clients, I am often forced to spend long hours in her quarters, where some semblance of cleanliness can be enforced. She seems able to spend eight hours surrounded by open reference books, crossing wires, unopened needle packets and blaring radios, whereas if I were to stand in her position, I would have flatly refused to receive further clients until some order would be forced upon the studio.

That, and her work forces her to draw and ink what it is her clients wish her to draw and ink - regardless of how tacky, misspelled, misinformed or offensive the desired tattoos might be... Again, where she grins and bears it, I would pointedly refuse to execute such travesties. Customers parting with good coin do not deserve to inflict barbarous designs upon themselves.

It is only logical, after all: if your relationship with your spouse is already tenuous, do not assume that a stereotypical bicep tattoo will win her back. Do not mark yourself so permanently with what might land you in a divorce court within the month - especially if you are of the sad sort who cannot spell his own spouse's name correctly. Similarly, I would turn drunkards or young adults away. Reaching the legal drinking or driving age does not constitute an occasion to brand yourself with poorly researched Japanese ideograms..."
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