To Three

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Karl the Mad

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To Three

Post by Karl the Mad »

How do you feel about having someone like Preston on the team, even nominally? A man with shifty morals, who'd do nearly anything to ensure his continued freedom, or even for money; a man who balks at control and snaps at anyone who tries to tie him down, a man who feels nothing about killing others and ruining their lives. Does he bother you at all, knowing who he is?
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As Three

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"A man with shifty morals still has morals. I'm sure he thinks he can do anything in order to earn his revenge, but we all have our limits. If he honestly had no morals, he wouldn't care about his losses. He wouldn't need to care, since he'd be able to rebuild his wealth through any other means available. He'd be like Rendell, or whoever happens to have enabled Gawain's attempt on the Centennial Tree. He has all the tools needed to be far worse than the people who wronged him, and Arthur's kept an eye on Hauser's data packets.

The long and short of it is that he hasn't been doing anything we couldn't have expected. He's been nurturing what funds he has, moving integers and decimal points around so his accounts never dry out. He's been distributing his wealth across his contacts and he's kept his own projects on a back-burner that's consistently fed. He works for us, but I expected that he'd try and keep cracking the shells of those people that benefited from the Hauser's family's ruin.

Besides, he knows that the tech-based gravy train the Hall is about to offer could close off on him. We won't stand by if his own goals happen to endanger innocents. We won't just cover him because he's one of us.

Eventually, he's going to have to realize that revenge is a hollow feeling. It feels great at first - like when I punched Anton's lights out for experimenting on me and Jenkins - but then you realize that what's done is still done. Getting even isn't some magical Reset switch on Life's Cosmic Computer - it's the part where you realize nothing's changed. Especially as far as he's concerned, where his family's funds were probably siphoned off into off-world accounts. It used to be Switzerland and the Cayman Islands were the go-to places to store stolen cash; now it's off-planet. Letter agencies stroll into Paradise's gravity well all the time, hoping to try and squeeze some Bratva or Yakuza guy's balls into coughing up the dough. It never works.

I'm not going to turn this into a repeating record and I'm not going to twist Preston's arm or anything - but he needs to let go. He has to honor his family's memory by pushing through on his own steam. I'm not even sure they'd care about the funds, if they could speak.

Think about it: you're a proud father who's seeing his son waste his years away on some perceived need for vengeance. What would you do? I'd tell my son that I don't care how unfair things happen to be - I'd still be proud of him."
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