
This is for those who do more than just your average card tricks. Artificers, Wardens, Diviners, Healers and more reprehensible types, welcome!
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Post by IamLEAM1983 »

- Scottish roots, refers to the act of concealing something's true nature. Normally used to refer to beautification effects like veils, but this really involves any kind of supernatural subterfuge the Fae, especially, can dish out.

Basic History
- the Fae weren't inherently magic or gifted with magic at the onset. Made from dragons out of more-than-perfect animates, though, they were more than suited to become natural mages in their own right
- Glamourie was essentially "born" the day the Sidhe understood they had a core of arcane energies inside them, a leftover from their ancient creation and emergence - one that differed from what anthros and mages have to show for themselves. In their case, via exists alongside the soul, the notion of a conscious spirit
- for the Fae, there is no soul *but* magic. There is no conscious spirit *but* the spirit of Magic itself. Everything they bring forth comes from themselves and leaves them out of their own free will - unless they've been sworn to it
- their oaths and bonds are made from that substance, that principle. Their shifting appearance comes from the fact that a Fae's mantle is its very Self.
- change the mantle, you change the affected Fae's sense of Self

How Is It Used?
- nobody other than the Fae can use Glamourie. Mortals are mutable by nature, and immortals like dragons and vampires are still "functionally" similar to mortals. They change over time and depending on what they go through. If mortals *could* practice Fae magic, that would create fairly flimsy bonds. A Fae who has a deep loathing for, say, Brussels sprouts, will *always* loathe that particular vegetable. If it's deep enough to define them as an individual, it generally won't change. That guarantees very stable forms of fealty and honour.
- Humans and anthros? In comparison, they change overnight. This is why the Fae have to dig very, very deep to strike bargains with us, and usually strike sensitive chords

- in any case, it takes the form of mantles and oaths

a) Mantles
- some can be temporary and can be placed on yourself. You can convince yourself you're prettier for a while, or from a different species. This comes in handy for reconnaissance work. That kind of mantle doesn't alter your Self, it only alters your self-*image* as others see it. You still see yourself, but a quick look in any non-artificial reflective surface shows you just who or what exactly it is others are seeing. This, thankfully, is only one-way. Mirrors keep you informed, but they don't betray you.

- others can be permanent. These are bequeathed by a higher power to a Fae who's ascended in stature. In many ways, you'll stay exactly the same. In others, you'll drastically shift. Summer folk tend to be more regal with each "level up" and Winter folks turn more and more dour and off-putting, while not necessarily growing uglier. That can happen, though. :)

b) Oaths
- on either side of the oath, you need to swear to adhere it's conditions on something deeply profound that defines you utterly. Something you hold near and dear and without which you wouldn't be *yourself*. If you're the one making that promise and break it, you might lose access to that on which you swore. If you're on the receiving end of the broken promise, you also lose part of that involved element's protection or contribution to your general existence *until* the payment-jumping offender rights his wrongs
- the trick is to offer a promise based on an element that's of lesser importance to you, while waiting for the person of which you're asking a favour to fall for that trap and adhere to your generous terms on something that's extremely precious to them
- missed payment means you miss the minor metaphysical advance you made as guarantee while earning the infringing mortal's promised element

- this is extremely powerful and easy to game to your advantage with a sharp tongue and a wily mind. Say you force someone to swear on their mother's heart. Failed fulfillment of their obligations means you're within your right to make that person's mother fall madly in love with you.

- considering, glamourie is a rather effective way at incurring the gratitude of several simpering mortal families you keep close by as their seemingly undying "creditor"

- as long as it's structured within an Oath, you're free to adhere to your promise and the delivered request, if you so choose. You can also fulfill the Oath in a literal manner and not really complete the "substance" of the wish. That doesn't matter. You're freed anyway.
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