The Standard Bio Submission Form

If your character's biography was moved here, chances are it needed some additional work. Place your own works in progress here for easier storage. Label them clearly with the W.I.P. acronym.
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The Standard Bio Submission Form

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

You'll also find this in Rules and Regulations, but I figured you might appreciate having a version of the average character sheet here, for easier access.

Name: your character's name, obviously
Age: in plain years. If your character's concept requires a more approximate approach, unknown is a decent replacement
Gender: male or female, as a rule. If applicable, define pronouns. The notion of gender could very well not apply to your character's species or nature. Specify it if it doesn't
Species: your character's ancestry, plus any modifiers that might apply - such as its rank as a mage or a member of the Fae

Strengths: list any perks derived from your character's personality or mindset, any quirks that might positively colour the way he or she interacts with the world. Also list any relevant physical abilities - psychic abilities included. Use this category sparingly to avoid creating hyper-efficient characters or ubiquitous problem-solvers
Weaknesses: list any failings of character or disposition that characterize your new toy... Physical weaknesses are absolutely mandatory if you've listed an uncommon ability in the above category. Unfortunately, superhumans, vampires and Lovecraftian whatsits aren't allowed to be completely without failings

Appearance: what does your character look like on most days? Your wardrobe choices can and will shift according to the setting, of course, but you can still give us an idea of what constitutes an average everyday instance of normal sartorial choices for your character, along with a detailed overview of its physical features. Posting someone else's photograph isn't allowed. Use your imagination. Even if your character is based off someone else on a physical level, I'd much rather you told us rather than showed us. And yes, you absolutely can tell us in detail. A picture isn't always worth a thousand words, I'm sorry to say
Behaviour: tell us how your character interacts with the world around him. Give us a sense of what it's going to feel like to bump into him. The more details you add, the more we're likely to find your concept interesting. This is, essentially, where you can flesh out your concept's personality, as opposed to any bonuses he or she might derive from having it. That'd go in the Strengths section

Goals: what happens to be driving your character? Why does he get up in the morning? Any ambitions or special projects we should know about?

History: give us a decently detailed overview of your character's background. Show us how he came to be who he is today. This goes a long way to ensuring that your character isn't living in a vacuum.

We tend to proceed in full disclosure, in this community. If there's something our characters aren't meant to know, put it down anyway. We're all mature enough to avoid picking that dangling apple from the get-go. If anything, knowing something our characters don't know might give us more of an impetus to interact with your character. Finding ways for secrets to be made public without too much fracas is something of a Shield Compound specialty...
Last edited by IamLEAM1983 on Tue May 08, 2018 2:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: It needed to be stickied, duh.
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Karl the Mad

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Re: The Standard Bio Submission Form

Post by Karl the Mad »

Blank sheet. Just copy-paste into a new document and fill in the blanks!

Code: Select all




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