Office and Commuting

See what the world's like in 2025! All specific technological achievements are chronicled here for your perusal.
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Office and Commuting

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

- government/municipal offices + small businesses tend not to have enough funds to afford cutting-edge material
- high-tech or more vital industries have more money to spare. A police precinct still looks the way it did back in 2013, hospitals or research centers are usually cutting-edge

Usual Offices
- desktops and laptops are still commonly used, still commonly run on anything from Windows 95 to Windows 8. Linux is a rare choice, but you can still find Linux boxes. Especially servers.
- everything is more or less familiar and close to present day. Processor speeds are a little faster, design is a little sleeker, but not by much
- at most, touchscreens are fairly common

- RFID tags don't drive much more than virtual bulletin boards or corkboards in some corridors

- Shield starts out like this. City doesn't have a ton of funds to spare on bleeding-edge clerical material. Corporate sponsorships are going to fix that over time

Cutting-Edge or High Tech Fields
- see Goliath's various R&D departments, Wyvern's Operations division, etc.
- workstations aren't much more than glorified physical docks for tablet or phone

- rubberized Smart Glass has an added layer that traps current-sensitive liquid. Physical keyboards are basically "extruded" from antiseptic work surfaces on cue
- touchscreens are curved, usually to provide the most display surface possible, and a means to be more or less "immersed" in your work, while still being transparent
- table can also extend into a second display surface. Allows workers to virtually "throw" documents on their desk's surface for organic document organization

- cutting-edge wall-screens and 3D projectors can allow for lifelike teleconferences with people located abroad
- has medical applications, for instance. A neurosurgeon in Hope can scan a patient and immediately send a 3D hologram of said patient to a colleague in Beijing for simultaneous and seamless work
- feeling like you're in the same room encourages productivity
- connections with Paradise are possible, but the result is usually decayed. Karthian comm buoys can't carry large amounts of data from Earth and maintain high fidelity levels

- top-of-the-line gaming stations are fairly pricey and work like this, with precise movement detectors. Controllers and keyboards are mostly gone if you have enough money
- most of the Kinect's problems were fixed. Motion control now feels precise and suitably lifelike - even if bugs can still show up

- Hope has a Maglev system that goes around the city and stops about six times per borough. Mertown and Pickman Sound are the only spots you can't reach via Maglev
- Rhode Island War tore Hope's old subway system to pieces. Most of it has been converted into living spaces for Freaks. Surface-dwellers use Maglev exclusively
- Biometrics are used to bill uses, not RFID. Tags could be torn off or sewn on someone else's clothes, but irises and thumb-prints are hard to fake... :)
- system tends to drive a comprehensive system of custom-tailored ads in stations and trains... Drifters and other really green types can be surprised when a billboard calls them by name

- it's still fairly rare, but high-altitude shuttles make it possible for someone to live in Hope and work in Paris or London, with only a two-hour commute between the two

- see Home thread: cars are still very much in use, though
- fairly old cars, at that. Anything from Victorian specials influenced by Clank industry to 1978's Chevy Corvette and 2024's Prius Spectra Special
- a *lot* of automotive diversity

- aerial corridors are also in effect in high altitudes. Applies for flyers or for civilian hoverbikes (Earth and Paradise models), helicopters, planes, flying dragons, etc.
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