To Abigail

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To Abigail

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

What garments did you create for the Robertson family, and do they reflect anything of note within them?
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As Abigail

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Considering the clients I had on my docket, I had to ensure that everything would sort of thread the needle between being comfortable to move in - for complex movements the likes of which Fauns are known for - and presentable for, well, less-discerning Fae's virgin eyes, let's say...

I've always liked to tackle the more complex caseloads first, so I started with Mrs. Robertson's. I went with a slightly flaring green pantsuit with paisley details, with light blue facings for the jacket and the form-accentuating outwards curve I placed near the hipline. I figured I might issue some sort of visual callback to the bouffant rear ends of yesteryear's bustle dresses that also serves as a point of added mobility. Seeing as Aspasia's waistline would effectively be clear, she shouldn't have too much trouble in concealing documents, weapons, objects - whatever could be useful if things ever went South. Not actually preparing a dress for her should shock the early-bird traditionalists to some degree, but most Fae along my age range and younger wouldn't exactly be scandalized. I had measures taken for a clutch purse I realized I could adapt using loose fabric swatches from the jacket, so I've included that as well.

It's my understanding that young Miranda's taken to martial arts, but I imagined the reverse approach would work just as well - with a few concessions. The girl's been offered what feels a bit like your traditional pencil dress, with a looser hem near the knees that gives her a bit of a trail of sorts. I've added touch-sensitive threads along the side that allows the dress to split open along one thigh, for added mobility, and included a pair of slightly sheer adapted stockings, with impact-resistive wards laced in the weave pattern. If kicks are ever involved, she won't be too exposed to potential impacts. The dress might not include a jacket, but its wards offer complete coverage. I thought I'd go for ochre tones and green accents; as a sort of blend between her mother and father's palettes.

There's a note included in Miranda's package, so she knows how to avoid opening up the thigh slit accidentally.

Mr. Robertson was the easiest, seeing as I imagined he'd have his pride. I don't see him leaving his duster behind, nevermind what London's aristocracy might think, and I know enough to understand he has reams of bespoke wards stitched in there. I know better than to disrupt a practitioner's workflow, so that remains unchanged. I also assumed he'd add his pistol and wand holsters, so I accounted for these, as well.

Considering his origins, I kept things as close to his personal sartorial habits as I could while offering my own reading of his character. Black velvet pants cinched maybe slightly tighter than his usual size are there to emphasize the natural gangliness of liches, and I've modified a fresh white linen shirt with a few delicate whorls in silver thread. They should react to his via emanations and shimmer slightly if something gives him cause to focus a measure of his power. I've offered him a silver string tie with a simple black wooden hoop, and probably managed to take proper measurements in dusting off my hatmaking skills to refit and modify a black Stetson. It's not quite a ten-gallon hat as I think Silas' pride wouldn't let him get quite so ostentatious, but it still a fair bit straighter than his usual couvre-chef. He probably won't be entirely comfortable - and I'll apologize about the pants if we speak again later - but something tells me he'll understand why."

Abigail smiles. "A too-light figure, surrounded by a faint glow of power, wearing revised accoutrements from the Old West in a great hall packed with millennial fops convinced that Western society went down the drain the moment the steam engine was invented... Even if he doesn't carry, he'll be able to dissuade anyone from criticizing his wife or daughter without using much more than a glance."
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