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To the Squids

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So the Speeches are basically like Marvel's take on magic, right? As in, quantum mechanics?
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As Nereus

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Precisely! This is honestly the only thing that sets my people apart from other sapient species on Earth, in that we're able to observe Spooky Action up-close. I don't mean spooky as in unsettling - although that can sometimes be a decent explainer for things - but rather in the sense that we're accessing a property of the world's physics, its written code, essentially, and accessing it in its raw form. Quantum physicists have had decades to study quanta, of course, but they could all tell you that to look at a particle is to lose track of it, to rewrite its position and properties.

Both Speeches work in more or less accessing the tangible universe's buffer, effectively, and writing to it in a variety of forms. You can add or subtract values, modify pre-existing values - anything is effectively fair game. The catch is that newborn Cuttles might toss neutrinos around without meaning to, what really requires decades of mastery is understanding the domino effect that even the slightest of changes has on the surrounding environment. It's part of why the Speeches are so complex, as they're both effectively designed to blow common syntaxical richness out of the water and to allow for truly infinite permutations. Syntaxically rich languages can get you by in most cases, but a mage's English spell phrases aren't what causes a spell's effects to occur - English itself is staggeringly primitive, in comparison to all the values a single spell happens to tweak.

So then, you might ask, how can mages do anything? Meris is a Cantor because somewhere in the later formation of the planet and in Humanity's first few coherent babbles, someone realized that a peculiar form of energy is able to serve as a bridge between a common surface-dwelling mind and a target in need of modification. That energy somehow modulates a mage's innermost thoughts and acts as an expression layer of sorts, translating those calls into a myriad of quantum effects. That energy was called via precisely because it serves as a bridge, and is a path to perceived wisdom.

Long story short, all of the world's practitioners are sending code execution calls to the world's most advanced quantum computer imaginable - the world proper, if not Creation itself."

He smirks.

"All Void Weavers and practitioners of all levels are quantum artists applying varying levels of understanding to their medium, and true researchers in this area are quantum physicists who have all the honors, safe for the badge and lab coats."
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