Just a thought...

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Just a thought...

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Once the Goat's condemned, I figure Lucifer's going to go on a massive overhaul of the Pit, and Pandemonium's going to follow along. Seeing as he'd want to put Hell's past behind him and start from fresh, I'm thinking he'd want to push for a serious change in aesthetics.

And, weirdly? What's trotting in my mind is that Hell should be Vaporwave. Neon colors, 80's cars, Brutalist architecture, dark blue seas under grape juice-purple skies and a revamped Pit that feels oddly secure, unless you actually Fell there and are actually supposed to atone for some serious shit. If you're just a visitor, the new Princes are fairly congenial. If you're a client, you're at their mercy - but Lucifer and Shaitan are both there to make sure none of them abuse that notion. You're there to feel what the atrocities you committed feel like on the receiving end, and if all goes well, you're passed off to Pandemonium.
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Karl the Mad

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Re: Just a thought...

Post by Karl the Mad »

I can see a few religious fundamentalists getting irked at the idea. How are they supposed to scare people if Hell isn't very, well, Hellish?

They might even ally with some of Leonard's leftovers to bring back the proper Biblical version of Hell. Or at least a scary corner of it they can hold over their followers' heads, if that makes sense?
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Re: Just a thought...

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

To which I'd say Lucifer would reply that he doesn't give a shit what the fundies think - which would obviously come back to bite him in the ass. Of course, however, the pendulum swings both ways in the post-merger Hopeverse - a lot of things that are part of the bigger dogmas being espoused can now be opposed by angels and demons being physically present in the mortal plane and saying "Um, no, God never told us anything close to this."

Shit's gonna hit the fan no matter what he does. There'd still be an irredeemable bunch, obviously, and I figure he'd set a space aside for 'em - just less "fire and Brimstone" and more "dank BDSM basement hiding two or three floors underneath Hell's now mostly-congenial presented front".
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