The Gaslight Era Internet

Plot, scheme, devise, tinker and ruminate all you want in this forum. This space is chiefly reserved for any out-of-character discussions still pertaining to the game or storyline that might need to take place. If it fits the game but none of our characters, voice it here!
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The Gaslight Era Internet

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

With the Hopeverse's 1880's having been Steampunk, I figure they had something like Teletype and Telex interfaces that used via-infused crystals to encode bits, and probably already used halfway-decent baud rates for something that could approach a late-seventies' ARPANET or an early-eighties BBS system.

With the Goat having probably torched a good few data farms across the globe, I figure the resistance and early restoration dug up old Clank-era Teletypes to restore some sort of super-clunky and very much non-environmentally-friendly global BBS. The paper use. God, the amount of paper this would take!

My guess is Archie would help folks dig around and restore some sort of mechanical dot-matrix based "monitor" that works like one of those pushpin desk toys...

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