Theme Songs

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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Sleigh Bells' Demons obviously fits the more combative demons in Hope's roster, along the lines of Volker and Bob, but I could also see it fitting as part of Aidan's "Game Face" iTunes playlist. It's affirmative, aggressive, borderline hostile, and it suggests you'll get shit done no matter what. Up until a while ago, it was probably what came to mind when he thought about Azardad.

You drink the wise blood
You're gonna hear about it
You'll be taken down brick by brick by brick
Burn the orphanage
You're gonna pay for it
They will purify block by block by block

Come on
You've got a vision
You're on a mission

Live on
And when I die, hang me high

They're gonna bury you
They're gonna finish
They're gonna stand em up six by six by six
You pull the hood back
I wanna know
Which way will the heavenly go

Taken down, taken down, taken down
Taken down, taken down, taken down
Taken down, taken down, taken down
Taken down, taken down, taken down

Come on
You've got a vision
You're on a mission

Live on
And when I die, hang me high

And you will answer to no one else but me
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I've been playing Ruiner and I've also been dabbling around in other Electro producers from around the world, and came across Susumu Hirawasa. I knew the guy had done some work for Satoshi Kon's last flick, Paprika and that he'd produced soundtracks for a few Berserk series in Japan, but I didn't know he dealt in Post-Punk or outright Cyberpunk. I've given his 1994 album a good listen (Aurora's a great listen that pairs instrumentalism with super-produced sounds) and found out one of his works had been licensed to be used as background audio in Ruiner.

Listening to Tobira-Jima (Island Door - Paranesian Circle) a bit more closely, I was kind of struck with the idea that it really fits Aspasia's old corner of Paradise, one that probably paired techno-fetishism with Buddhist doctrine before Rendell took over. He obviously didn't kick out the Japanese staffers and scientists, so Asp would've been exposed to Japanese's more opaque and poetic stretches aplenty - as well as the Japanese expats' efforts to bring a bit of beauty, life and general greenery to their corner of the station. The song seems to elude to both a mystical land (Rendell's promised future and Aspasia's own future attempts at reclaiming her origins) as well as the sacrifices needed to gain entry into it. Apparently, Tobirajima, the "island door", essentially amounts to a Japanese take on the Celts' Summer Isle or the old myth of Atlantis. It struck me as a good metaphor for both what Aspasia used to believe in, and what she believes in now.

The lyrics are included in the video.

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Re: Theme Songs

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Nice. :)
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Justice's DVNO seems to fit my idea of Lucifer to a tee - you'd just have to replace those four letters with LCFR. I keep thinking of him as a sort of self-aggrandizing and slightly narcissistic joyful party crasher - or party enhancer, depending on who you ask. He'd obviously reveal that he's perfectly capable of handling the Akoman or Amaxi situations maturely, Lilith could add that Heaven's bad boy does have a decent serious face he puts on when it matters - but part of the reason why he had so little trouble convincing the Host that he'd gone corrupt in the first place was the fact that he'd never been a particularly serious angel.

Considering, I could see him crashing a themed event at Club Ishtar in a pretty spectacular fashion - and this could pretty much be both Lucifer and that particular event's theme song. It doesn't help that "DVNO" apparently stands for Divino, seeing as Justice's frontmen both swear there's at least one club named after something heavenly in every city in the world, where you're required to wear a white shirt and to fit with certain standards of beauty to get in...

It's always the same
Always ashamed storytelling
"Tell me what, when I can come in"
To a hopeless troglodyte

But one more time
My answer stands
I swear I mean no offense
But you better learn to read
It's all 'bout membership

Hey, for the young & old
Ugly girls and boys
I put you on my list
And make you clap to this
It is mayhem or just an ego trip
But only one can win
And soon you're singing this hymn

Four capital letters
Printed in gold
'cause details make the girls sweat
Even more
While they're shaking their bell
No need to ask my name
To figure out how cool I am

Can anyone read, anyone feel
That I'm losing my patience
I just came here to bounce
Ladies are waxed they all know I'm coming

I'm losing my patience
I just came here to bound
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

A few songs from Shoji Meguro's work for Persona 5 reminded me of our guys quite a bit. Phantom, in particular, is a jaunty, if still fairly chill bit of R&B that, to me, evokes the feeling of a closed Club Ishtar serving as a rallying or planning location for our guys. I could see this playing in the background of a semi-serious briefing, while our guys alternate between finding out ways to yet again save the world and cracking a few jokes at the situation's expense. There's a lot of confidence in the beat, but it doesn't particularly sound overpowered or arrogant to me.

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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Here's another one for Volker, and I see it as helping me deepen his character a bit.

The title theme for Wolfenstein: The New Order starts out slow, plodding and aggressive - and to me, mirrors Volker's desire to see those Pitspawn allied with the Princes suffer for all their worth. There's definite ruthlessness in there and maybe even some measure of sadism - but he's kidding himself if he thinks he's killing Pitspawn for pleasure alone. Everything has deeper roots.

The track then slowly loses its edge, goes melancholy and contemplative - almost hinting at faded, better outcomes. I think the incubus who would become Benjamin Mathers and Mister Volker could actually be one of the Patient Zeroes of love for incubi and succubi that Tom was never fortunate enough to find. I've got the idea that Volker actually began his story as a recently Fallen who'd managed to journey to Iram. While there, he fell in love with an angel and spent a few years in a happy relationship. Then, upon being called back, he finds himself confronted by an enraged Asmodeus, who rips off his wings on the other Princes' behalf and demotes him, a former Lieutenant of Wrath, to the rank of a mere, lowly incubus.

Volker would be someone who once tasted what Magnus so desperately wants to bring to his people, who had it all taken away and who found himself dispossessed of the ability to fight back. I don't think I really need to timestamp the moment that made rage supercede lust for him, but waking up was more torture for him than living in Asmodeus' prescribed haze.

Consequently, Mathers is someone who hides his pain behind toothy grins and a gung-ho attitude, someone who finds purpose in violence but who once was capable of love.
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

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Re: Theme Songs

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

I found a song that would be appropriate for the eventual encounter between Azazel and Aspasia. To me, it conveys what Azazel has experienced through the centuries, but it also feels like some of the lyrics fit Aspasia as well.

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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Very, very fitting. :D
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Maybe I'm on a bit of a Hozier binge lately, but I think this song fits Bucky and Neasa during their talk in the garden.

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