Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

George eyed the pile of pizza boxes Matriel - or Kaito - and Hanako had carried in. "Quite the timely offer, she has," he noted. "Genuine Chinese would involve less fat - a perfect fit for some of our picky digestive systems..."

Lucas scoffed sheepishly. "I'll take my Veil off when I'm ready, mister Gammell. I think I can stomach one pizza slice; I loaded up on probiotics before coming here.
- Two yogurt pills, as instructed?" asked the Toymaker, to which Lucas only nodded in response.

He then looked back to Katherine. "The Void Weavers call us Abominations, you see - beasts or burden, servants and chattel created by ripping Matter from your Creator's hands and reshaping it as one of the Others judges acceptable. The benefits are paltry and rarely witnessed: some of us display enhanced strength or resistance to all known pathogens by virtue of our being so wholly alien to this universe's definition of corporeal existence. Most of us, however, are imperfectly assembled. Severe physiological impairments or highly specific and acute allergies or food-related reactive symptoms, that route... My own gastric system flip-flops on what it considers acceptable, and my immune response to common infections is unsatisfactory, at best.

We essentially are golems - Animates borne out of Eldritch rituals instead of your arcane spectrum's known means of animating inert matter. The Hall's own Randolph Mantus is one such classic Animate, born of old selkie rituals normally used to incarnate deceased infants lost at sea."

Gammell looked back to Abraham. "I'm afraid I have failed to intentionally contact you, my good sir. The Architect, however, has been known to issue a calling card of mine to individuals worthy of assisting the Promethean Order, as we call our motley crew."

Lucas sheepishly eyed Zahavi. "Um, hi. The Architect is, um, basically God's shop class teacher. Or at least, that's what George tells us. He made the Squids before the Others stole them from Him, so He stole George from Them. Made him, um, important and stuff.
- Oh tish-tosh," protested the Toymaker. "I would rather be back home working on new armoire designs or testing out that last mahogany shipment with a good woodcarving blade, but I gathered History was to be made tonight... I couldn't quite pass that up, obviously."
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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

The Water Throne displayed the faintest smirk and said to Katherine, "SeaWorld is terribly gauche. I was stationed here on account of Hope being the epicenter of so many things. Elysium, Transhumanism, Hope's curse, Void Weavers, Meris, and most recently, Mr. Magnus' plans to open his club and the introduction of a few immigrants from the Pit. Gabriel dropped in to see them the other evening and thwart Malphas, second to Belial. I do not have his schedule, but I would not be surprised if he attends the gathering as well, as extraordinary as the gathering is."

Meris chuckled and poked George. "You wouldn'thave heard the end of it if you had missed this meet-up."
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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

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"So is that a yes to Chinese?" Katherine replied, thumbs at the ready on her phone.

The thought of someone picking him from among the masses was a bit off-putting for the Israeli, but he figured these people had to have reasons for what they did.

At the mention of Gabriel, though, Charles zeroed in on Matriel. "Y' think ol' Gabe's gonna show up 'ere too?" he asked, falsely casual. It wouldn't take an anthro nose to pick up on the shiver of anxious anticipation that thrilled through the scarred vet, however.
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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

The dog then eyed Katherine. "Yeah, go for Chinese - especially if Jameson can put a menu together for a few sensitive stomachs."

From the front - or the back, seeing as they'd all come in from the rear, the door to the couple's apartment creaked open. "Is the coast clear?" asked a man in a bit of a modern London accent. Dave smiled in reaction. "Yeah, I'd say so," he said. "You're going to be the first Squid Charles Jenkins won't want to kill."

The voice parted with an sarcastic whistle. "Yay, me! Okay... Here I come. No judging, alright?
- I'm sure Charles is a big boy," replied Dave. "Cut the sheepish act, Bert - don't make me drag you out!"

And out of the fake wizard's tower walked a fairly average-sized Void Weaver. At five feet six and what had to be a generously paunchy two hundred and seventy pounds or so, he packed the kind of gesture-based awkwardness you would've stuck on people living online or otherwise sheltered from the wider world. His clothes were decidedly drab; dark beige gabardine pants and a slightly paler short-sleeved shirt printed with a plaid design. Bertram Miles had a round face, facial tendrils that drooped down to his chin, and gleaming dark eyes that only reinforced the impression of vulnerability that he gave off. A smartwatch waited on his right wrist and the telltale bulge of a smartphone filled up his right pocket.

Dave scoffed. "Oh, come on, Drab McDraberson! This is a casual meetup; you could've gone for a tee-shirt and a pair of jeans!
- I don't know, I didn't feel like rubbing my geek cred in too deep. Not so soon, at least. I mean, what's his competing conception of my people?" he asked, gesturing to Jenkins. "Suit-clad lanky sorts tearing reality apart while casually strolling forward in Saville Row bespoke and smoking smuggled Cohibas? Beige is harmless. It's non-appropriative. It's a safe bet."

He then widened his eyes at Charles. "Oh God, me and my big mouth... Not that I want to assume that you have these things as preconceptions or that you would be the type to, y'know..."

Miles sighed in defeat, which left Dave laughing. "Sorry," the dog told Charles, "my husband's good with figures and business savvy - not so much with words.
- Can I just - fade out for a few minutes, until mister Cuthbert comes around? Having divine approval really ups your social cred, from what I've heard.
- Nope!" replied Dave jokingly. "The modern-day paladins won't save you from social awkwardness! Evil laugh and whatnot!"
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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

The Throne looked over at Charles and nodded. "I imagine Gabriel will show, but I do not know specifically when."

Matriel chuckled at Dave's joke. "Just relax, Mr. Bertram. You do not need my approval or any other angel's to be accepted by people. It only opens up more doors, but I am glad to help. "

Another ring came from the doorbell. Following Astra's visit and her return from Eien-no-Yuki, Aspasia had thought it prudent for her and Coach to meet with Lucian and Astra again. Also, the fauness was curious about meeting the Void Weavers and the Animates, feeling something of a kinship in the similar themes in their backstories.
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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

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The thought of finally facing Gabriel directly was sufficiently distracting that when Miles presented himself, Charles could hardly spare more than a quick glance, a shrug and a "'Sup, bro," in his direction. Abraham was more polite, and introduced himself while shaking the squid-man's hand.

Katherine was preoccupied replying to Mary for a few moments (yes to Chinese, especially if good for sensitive stomachs!), then she put the device away and stepped forward as well. "Katherine Starr," she offered with a smile.
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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

George still being closest to the far back, he was the one to reach back to open the door. He kept out of sight as he swung it open, opting to let his voice introduce him, as he'd done with Charles and Abraham.

"The Robertsons, dear friends... Please excuse the crowded surroundings, Aspasia - we are to remedy to this once the Hall's group arrives."

Coach turned his eyelights towards Gammell and drew in a slow breath. "That voice," he said. "I know I'm not the one who's taken orders for the restaurant in decades, but I'd still recognize it anywhere."

He raised a finger. "Honeyed Harbin sauce chili with steak cuts. You've added an IPA bottle to your order since 2005. The second Thursday of every second month. Like clockwork.
- Yes," crooned Gammell. "I've always paid your deliverymen by leaving cash in the mailbox at the shop's rear.
- I have to ask, though - why the extra spice? Harbin sauce already packs a punch!
- Call it a lack of developed tastebuds. Blame the Others, I'm afraid..."

Hearing that, Coach chuckled. "Welcome to the club, then. Working off of an immaterial tongue like mine has its own disadvantages; there's days where Asp here more or less serves as my official taster.
- I'm quite sure your palate puts any human's and anthro's to shame, my dear," replied the Toymaker, choosing to directly compliment Aspasia.

In the meantime, Bertram was visibly shocked by the lack of horrified reactions or even simple apprehension at his appearance. He shook Katherine's hand with a distant look on his face, as though he couldn't believe this was happening to him. Jenkins' nonplussed reaction to him didn't help either. Bertram felt a tad numb, considering.

Seeing this, Dave stepped forward and tried to rouse his husband out of that state of shock. "Hey - Hey! Earth to Bertram! You're shaking the hand of one of the local post-Accords corporate assessment mavericks! That puts your folks within one or two steps of signing Vienna's big red book!"

Miles blinked a few times, his eyes gleaming as tears brimmed them. "Oh my God," he breathed, "is this really happening? Is- is this real?"

The dog pulled a straighter face as he clasped his husband's shoulder and looked back to Starr. "I'm sorry," he said, "it's just that you're one of those people Bert here really wanted to meet. You - or someone like you - could eventually make our marriage legal. As far as Rhode Island's concerned, I'm married to his Flesh Mask, to the human he has to pretend to be to survive. He's holding on to the hope of our being able to hold hands in public as-is, someday."
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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

"Heh, thanks, Mr. Gammell. I haven't ever been complimented on my tastebuds, but I appreciate the praise, nonetheless," the Transgenic admitted, grinning in the direction she heard the voice coming from.

"Wow, this is so cool! I finally get to meet you!" suddenly interrupted a voice, which caused Aspasia to turn in its direction. She was met by a highly excitable Nephilim, who shook her hand energetically.

Not having met her, Aspasia was slightly taken aback. "You are?..." she said.

"I'm Nami Urakawa, Daisuke Urakawa's granddaughter. This is very belated, but thank you so much for saving him from that wound!" she chirped, pulling her in for a hug.

The fauness' features lit up with both amusement and happiness. "I knew Urakawa-sama had a granddaughter, but I didn't figure I'd be meeting her here tonight," she admitted, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nami."

From the corner, Hanako discretely waved at the the former commander, in her own subtle, feline way, with her receiving a wave back from Aspasia. Matriel respectfully nodded to the her.

As for the pilot, she gestured over at Lucas to get him involved in the meet-and-greet. "Hey Lucas, come meet Aspasia. She's kicked the butts of a lot of Mab's minions, saved my granddad, and even connected with her Fae side!"

Surprised by Nami's exuberant hero worship, she sent a cordial smile to the teenager and offered her hand to him. "It's nice to meet you, Lucas." While Aspasia carried herself with a casual confidence, she could read the Animate's body language well enough, even with the veil, to see that he was not used to being in the limelight and settled with a simple greeting and dialing back any cues that might be considered too assertive to the shy boy.
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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"It, uh, it's nice to meet you, too," mumbled the boy. His handshake was edging towards being firm, at least. His Veil was a solid one, proof that Gammell had picked the right contacts amid the local arcane community. His features seemed like they'd be more than reasonably emotive, if he gave them a chance. As to what he truly looked like...

Gammell nodded at Aspasia. "I understand this night is one of openness or even potential revelations, but I'm afraid I prescribed this fresh guise for Lucas out of remaining concerns of acceptance. I may only be unsettling, the boy is one of my less fortunate associates."

The teen nodded. "They, uh - my first masters made me from scratch. The Machinists had a corpse to start with for mister Gammell, so there were some basics in place. I was just torn up out of nothing and, um, put together even if it hurt. I don't, um, have a real face, for starters. You could say I don't have much of a head, either..."

He chuckled awkwardly, seemingly grew self-conscious, and then clammed up.

The toymaker clicked his tongue. "I've supported him and some of his fellow youthful Animates as best I could, but positive rhetoric sometimes confronts obstacles that cannot be readily conquered. Not apologizing for whom we happen to be is all well and good, but even I can count those positive reactions at my revealed appearance on the fingers of one hand. There will be some work to perform, once the battle is won. Awareness to raise, bigotry and raw disgust to beat back with reasonable discourse..."

Dave shrugged. "If the LGBTQ and their allies can cross that bridge and if ethnic minorities can fit in with some elbow grease and perseverance, then there's hope for people like Lucas and yourself, mister Gammell."
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Re: Chapter IV - Earthly Delights

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Aspasia nodded to Gammell and then looked back to Lucas. "I would be a hypocrite if I judged anybody within this building by their appearance. Seeing as my kind were relegated to old legends, nobody had seen a faun, outside of a novel or movie, in eons. In my armor, people called me a demon or a monster. I've been called every insult in the book, but I will not do the same toward others. When Coach and I started dating, it drew the attention of the local tabloid for a little while, given how bizarre of a couple we were. They found nothing worth writing about," she explained. "I'm aware orcs and goblins have gone through similar situations, with how the public has viewed them over time. Same story with different details."

She smiled gently to the Animate. "Choose whether you want to drop your veil in your own time, Lucas. It's your life. If you ever have a chance to meet our daughter Miranda, know that we raised her with the same mentality."

She looked to Gammell and Lucas with the same expression. "When the creatures attacked Hope a few months back, I understood that they had to have counterparts who had keen minds and strong wills of their own somewhere, especially after Astra's visit. I'm glad I was able to meet you both."