To John Smith

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To John Smith

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

I have been studying about genetically engineered goats made to produce antithrombin in their milk. That got me wondering; what medical materials did Goliath Corp. get out of the bargain with Aspasia, Spearhead, the Reds, and the Blues, after the Battle of Hope?
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As John Smith

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Simply put, the Chimeras' common genetic basis proved to be a horn of plenty for Goliath's Biotech divisions.

As expected, we were able to purify and recombine all three gene sequences into new ones not belonging to any existing individual - and then claim ownership of said DNA. A few decades of careful recombination and deconstruction later, and we had antithrombin diffusion systems for use with pills and patches, vasopressin stimulants and inhibitors, various nootropic ways to stimulate or inhibit ghrelin and other neuropeptides that regulate bodily function. We found out ways to stimulate the production of myelin in previously unshielded parts of the nervous system, and to bolster preexisting neural connections, at the expense of complete and standard neuroplasticity in patients afflicted with neuromotor issues or cognitive decay. We found out better means to activate the light-sensing capabilities of most neurons as part of a standard Optogenetics program, in a way that dramatically cuts back on free radicals and unforeseen mutations...

Thanks to miss Robertson and her kind, nicotine patches no longer settle on calming those neural networks that trigger addiction: we can render longtime smokers almost completely careless of nicotine products in the span of a few years, by permanently blocking the afflicted areas of the brain. The same applies to alcoholics, narcotics abusers or depressive individuals with unhealthy sleeping habits. We can shut out adenosine completely and force narcoleptics into neurotypical patterns of wakefulness, or completely disarm the coping mechanisms of chronically anxious individuals by flooding them with adenosine and serotonin produced by their own cerebral structure. We can force them asleep and onto a path leading to recovery - at a reduced cost for most insurers and employer-provided insurance policies. Light gene therapies allowing for a wider use of nanotechnology in human and anthro cerebral structures has also fostered research programs for the treatment of psychosis and schizophrenia. We might be on the cusp of standard psychotherapy's twilight: a simple injection and one night's sleep might be all that could be needed to flip a violent psychotic back into socially acceptable norms.

Really, there isn't much of the Chimeras that hasn't proven to be pliable, reusable, or at the very least inspiring for anyone with an interest in biology. It really isn't surprising, both the Fauns of old and Morgana's old saurian warriors freely bred with the Fae and their area's mortals, to the point where most modern Chimeras contain a staggering amount of genetic diversity. Add Rupert Isaacs' optimizations to the formulae, and you find yourself facing three vat-borne species offering us a nearly endless series of gifts."
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