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Post by IamLEAM1983 »

- in genetic parlance, a chimera is an organism made of two disparate racial DNA strands.
- ex: heterodichromia in animals. Doesn't happen, but a cat or dog can absorb its twin while in the womb. Twin *can* survive on the genetic level. Cats with different eyes and a neatly bisected face. One side black, the other tawny...

- in the game's context, gene-mapping projects began far earlier, thanks to Karthian involvement
- by 1956, the human genome was mapped, could be segmented and studied piece by piece. Several animals, supernaturals and diseases were also mapped.
- laws against human and anthro cloning were very quickly put in place

- problem is, end of genome-mapping project coincides with early criminal establishments on Paradise...
- out there *nobody* is around to make sure you're complying with Terran laws. Nobody.

- on the other hand, using animal human/animal hybrids that never reach embryo stage was and still is fair game. Largely for medical research, in order to synthesize various proteins for medical formulas
- Henry Smith built Goliath Corporation on the basis of building a better world for everyone. Involved pushing some boundaries - and giving opportunities to less-than-scrupulous types...

- Ruthven being Goliath's competitor, they had hired thieves raid the Pharmaceutical Research complex and steal canisters of frozen fertilized and modified eggs
- their goal? Developing weapons. One of the batch Goliath had put together had been approved for zoological use and involved restoration of specific dinosaur breeds
- Goliath was denied the right to artificially produce a new satyr strand, but Titania pleaded with U.N. and Human Rights Commission for the right to see if the embryos were stable
- gruffs around the world, including Hope's Percival, *seriously* wanted to hope for a legal means to reintroduce satyrs in the gene pool

- the pressure was hard enough for rulings to be *slightly* relaxed. The intended goal was for Goliath to recreate T-Rexes and Velociraptors and to at least prove that the *extremely* decayed Satyr DNA strand could be salvaged
- the company was closely scrutinized. Was a nightmare for Henry until the end of his tenure as CEO. He passed the troubles on to his son John.

- the loss of the eggs nearly destroyed Goliath. This was one of Aldergard's biggest modern-day cases and manhunts alike. Who stole the nitrogen canisters? Nobody knows.
- in 2025, we know who bought them and why.

- the cans were purchased by Hyperion Biologics, a subsidiary Ruthven had acquired right after the heist.
- Hyperion's CEO had stepped down a few weeks ago and left control to Alex. Ruthven
- director of research was and still is Rupert Isaacs...

- 1962: one of the first private flights to Gilese includes several crates of refrigirerated material...
- Rupert is received by Takeshi Watatsumi, the main Yakuza representative on Paradise and gives him the keys to a purchased warehouse in Sector 7 of the station
- official efforts to weaponize Goliath's findings and to alter them as required begin two months later

- 1967: after several abortive attempts, the man known as Gregory Rendell is born. Optical data transfer and hypnagogic solutions allow for rapid maturation of the subject's brain
- March 1967: Gregory has gone beyond the expected transfer limit. Maturity is established, but troubling analyses and exams suggest deep-seated psychological problems
- April: Takeshi attempts to kill Gregory. Gregory kills Watatsumi, subsequently angers the Terran Yakuza. Isaacs, also fairly unstable, is beside himself with adoration. Dangerously feeds Rendell's growing narcissism
- May: structurally, work goes on unabated. The focus has changed, however. Rendell orders that a synaptic backup be made of his cerebral patterns and another body prepared
- work on the other saurian breeds and fully developed dryads begins

-1969: Spearhead and Aspasia leave their tanks and join the ranks of their brethren. Rapidly rise through their ranks and become known as each breed's spokespersons and commanders
- April 1969: Massacre of Sector Seven. All Drifters are driven off or killed. Most of the human staff is also eliminated. Isaacs' new species claim control of it in the name of the man they perceive as their "Father" - Rendell
- May 1969: First Elysium headquarters are founded in Sector Seven, manifestos are beamed back to Earth via laser pulse
- June 1969: the manifestos are broadcasted during common news bulletins. Drifter approval rate nosedives. Unwarranted hate crimes are directed towards Earth-based Drifters
- August 1969: Eiko Kazamatsuri, human technician for Elysium, seeks revenge for Takeshi's death and the creatures' overall mistreatment of humans and Drifters
- she prepares Rendell's dormant replacement body for optical data transfer. Being of a sensitive sort and having a background in neuropsychology, she knows how to correct Isaacs' allowed flaws
- September 1969: the Chimera who calls himself Caliban tears a swath through his would-be brethren. Is the first one to successfully injure Rendell
- He storms his way out of Sector Seven, stows away onboard a Karthian freighter outbound for Earth

- November 1969: sightings of a "dinosaur man" have plagued the city for a few months. Ignites stupid, if funny theories about dinosaur people in Hope's sewers
- Caliban storms Henry Smith's office, aggressively and desperately demanding an audience with Rhode Island's senator

- Caliban shows just how much of a *better* genius he is than Rendell over the next few months. He turns from an unknown freak show skulking in the shadows to the first and strongest supporter of transgenic rights
- oratory and people skills are soon fairly celebrated in America - as are his physical skills. He is still largely known for his continuous efforts to get USA to crack down against Hyperion, Ruthven, Rendell and Isaacs

- 1970: The Transgenic Investigation Comission is formed to lead the investigation into Caliban's claims. Ruthven testifies multiple times, first claiming innocence.
- after five appearances, his defenses crumble and he reveals this is a competitive stab gone woefully out of hand
- July 1970: Ruthven Inc. stock crashes while regained sympathy capital pushes Goliath back into fiscal health
- Ruthven enters the typical Ordo Dracul depressive cycle. Hasn't come out of it since. Company is mostly left in the hands of rapacious executives
- Elysium's tactics begin to be used against it. Outreach groups beam up broadcasts destined to those Chimeras wanting a way out of Paradise and an end to conflict

- 1974: Caliban becomes something of a "ward" of Henry Smith, whose health is failing. Splits his time between being groomed for corporate leadership alongside Henry's son, John, and courting America's various politicos
- is rather open about looking for a political platform that will allow him to sustain his goals of freely integrating Chimeras into Terran society
- Red Scare and Cuban Missile Crisis have left all parties mostly leery of transgenics. Still wrongfully seen as "nuclear" mutations
- December 1974: Caliban is officially granted the Smith surname, becoming John's adoptive, defacto brother
- January 1975: Caliban runs for senatorial position for Rhode Island as a member of the Libertarian party. Something of a hulking, scaled and a bit scary take on Jesse Ventura. :)
- is rapidly shown to be critical of both the left and right and a hardlining supporter of advanced medical technologies, genetic research and widespread economic reform
- also accrues public favor by appearing in a few "proto-eighties" action epics as a growling antagonist. Could be compared to Dolph Lundgren. Never really kicks off, but it gets a few chuckles out of him

- July 1975: years of apparently isolated assaults against Hope come together as Rendell hijacks a Karthian cruiser to stage orbital drops over Hope. Chimera troops rapidly swarm the city's defenses
- Caliban urgently demands that the national alert level be set to Red and a strike team be sent to Paradise. He leaves Capitol Hill and freights the first jet back to Hope
- along with the established superheroes, supernaturals and mages, Rendell becomes one of the key figures in the Battle of Rhode Island. Is frequently seen on the ground with common troops and in command tents
- Henry Smith dies in a raid against his property. John first tastes armed conflict

- luckily, Pleistocene anthros are revealed to be on mostly equal footing with Chimeras. Army's few Smilodon or sabertooth tiger forces distinguish themselves. Mammoth heavies are also noteworthy
- August 1975: a month of fighting has passed, with no discernible progress. Will become known as the first instance of open war on American soil since Secession
- troops are falling back. Rendell's forces are dangerously close to securing Centennial Park
- Archie and Bucky's efforts are noteworthy, but they're only two men against thousands. One is more of a spy than a brawler, the other is a straight-up bruiser. Makes things difficult
- Sophia is severely injured in the last week of August, her back broken over one of Rendell's knees. Archie has her outfitted with Victorian cybernetic elements to restore her health
- unfortunately, with her being unable to leave the operating table, the Tree is defenseless...

- September 18th, 1975: after several weeks of successful defense, the Tree falls to Rendell's hands
- he wastes two days in order to consolidate his hold over the park. Most of the Tree's bottom-most branches and surface roots are hacked away to prevent easy aggressive actions
- this obviously feels excruciatingly painful for Sophia

- 20th: other cruisers drop Drifter war effort. Anastasius Romanov is successfully pressured into issuing a widespread telepathic call to arms
- over the next few weeks, dynamic changes. Rendell is prevented from melding with the Nexus several times. His focus is forcefully kept on defending his borders

- October 10th, 1975: Sophia has recovered after intensive sessions with curative mages and Fae healers specializing in dryad care
- expressing her desire to end this, she is armed, armored and placed in a team with the city's best gifted and arcane specialists. Includes Ethan Alderan, Amazo, Archie, Bucky
- this will foster a strong sense of respect and camaraderie between the five of them

- only way they find to make sure this is ended is by allowing Rendell to begin the melding process, at which point Sophia will intervene
- US Army is growing antsy. Evacuation has already been ordered. President Ford is poised to drop ballistic missiles onto Hope if this doesn't succeed
- would destroy the Tree and create a catastrophic chain throughout the tri-State Nexuses. Could turn upper Eastern Seaboard into an arcane wasteland, repeating creation conditions of goblins...

- things go as planned, against all odds. Rendell is incapacitated by Sophia, her disrupting his control over the Tree rendering him comatose
- she disrupted the process that would have turned him into a lich, but irreversible scars remain. His right hand is reduced to its skeletal form. Dangerous amounts of via are still locked inside him, poisoning him.
- all are decorated for their efforts, and the Battle of Rhode Island enters the history books

- December 1975: Caliban Smith becomes Governor of Rhode Island, a position he still holds to this day. Leaves all corporate ambitions to John.

- 1980: John officially becomes CEO of Goliath Corporation
- Transgenic Investigation Comission is now headed by Caliban. They wonder what to do with the largely aimless Chimeras.
- spokespersons for the two main breeds have emerged: Aspasia and Spearhead
- some tensions remain, as some Chimeras view Caliban presiding the comission on the Terrans' side as a form of treachery. Internment camps are suggested by human and anthro members. Caliban vetoes against them
- integration without reprisal is proposed. Caliban also vetoes against it. He argues that most were simply following orders, but some Chimeras have been known to act deliberately. To enjoy spreading pain.
- Caliban's political acumen takes a hit as he begins to be perceived as a flip-flopper. Lasts a few weeks.

- those weeks see intensive reconstruction and new construction at State's Department of Corrections
- September 1980: the Comission is dissolved by Caliban, only to be reformed with a new purpose: criminal prosecution
- Karthian and Drifter participation are hugely accelerating Hope's renovation. Cheap and resistant materials constructed on the molecular level begin to be used

- December 1980: the Caliban Smith Rehabilitation Center - commonly known as Chimera Row - is inaugurated. Mass trials begin. All are televised.
- process is still controversial. Some believe Chimeras should have been deported or even euthanized. Others agree with the intent, but see this as a massive drain on tax dollars
- accelerated process is possible thanks to participation of dragon, Fae and Karthian judges. Some trials are held in Faerie - which sometimes saves time. Not always. :)

- August 1983: the mass trials have ended and Hope is officially re-inauagurated.
- out of the ten thousand recruits Rendell dropped onto Earth, only a thousand are exonerated. Still quite a few who barely even fought and were overcome with fear and stress upon reaching Earth
- Aspasia is acquitted. Spearhead refuses acquittal out of personal principles. His speech concerning his desire to shoulder his people's common shame shakes the nation
- most people honestly didn't expect that kind of honorable display. The judges are moved, and move to try and bargain with Spearhead for a token sentence.
- he refuses, saying the crimes his people committed *demand* the full extent of the law to be applied. He and the jury "barter" for ten years of imprisonment.
- Caliban personally leads Spearhead to Chimera Row

- 1993: the Chimeras have settled in. Some even have children. Public outlook of them is still largely negative, but there's plenty of understanding folks around as well
- the ten years are marked with Spearhead becoming a sort of inverted prison boss. Is known to have beat fellow raptors within an inch of their lives for abusing guards.
- he's known to have refused all forms of preferential treatment. He's released with heartfelt thanks, some apologies.
- he beelines for Wyvern Securities once freed and personally addresses Aldergard and Katherine, demanding a job as part of one of their Special Response teams

- 1995: Eiko reaches Hope on her own. Her reunion with Caliban is heartfelt and touching. Watatsumi had her blinded for her treachery.
- 1998: implants restore Eiko's sight partially. She and Caliban are engaged and quickly marry.
- by 2025, Kazamatsuri's involvement with the Yakuza is pardoned. She now works as a researcher for Goliath.

- unfortunately, others make their way for Weasel, Kukulkan, Watatsumi or back to Elysium...
- Spearhead becomes the local head of the branch tasked specifically to hunt down infringing Chimeras that pose a threat to public safety - when cops don't cut it.

- years pass. Aspasia meets Coach in 1998, the two make it fairly well. :)
- the odd nature of the relationship stokes the fire of local tabloids for a while. Doesn't last long.

- 2000: Rendell wakes up in the Medical wing of the Triple Max facility Rhode Island had made to contain supercriminals long before. Filmore Whateley Correctional Institute - also known as the Zoo
- within months, his initially restrictive conditions have drastically changed. Caliban is powerless to counter his twin's doctoring of the Institute's structure
- 2001: September 11th. A manifesto leaks online, in which Rendell claims the assault against WTC stands as proof of weakness of human mind.
- autopsies will later suggest that Bin Laden *may* have pushed into religious extremism thanks to insidious mental shackles... Today, Al-Quaeda is known to have been an Ordo Dracul puppet group
- made up almost entirely of "Renfields" kept doped up on blood and religious fervor

- by 2005, Rendell's living conditions could barely be called imprisonment. Commission investigators come back from the Zoo with stories of a personal compound, fully furnished and quite comfortable
- tailored suits instead of prison orange jumpsuits - gold-plated handcuffs when transferred?! Limb prosthesis over his lich-ified right hand?!
- Caliban is furious. Demands to meet with George Ingram, warden for the Institute. Ingram is discovered to be completely hooked on Court member blood - barely able to think straight if kept sober.
- someone has definitely been undermining the Institute's structure from the outside in, probably to Rendell's benefit

- 2006: the HPD's investigation against Filmore's managers is going nowhere. Vampire involvement seems obvious, but the DNA signature found in Ingram's spiked food and drink is unknown
- Elysium's involvement is continuously felt throughout the Web. Right-wing human-centric groups see their services and headquarters more than simply hacked - some are lethalized.
- goes to the point where Melmoth and Aldergard are forced to join forces in order to lock out Hope's Stock Exchange from the rest of cyberspace
- Elysium stitll manages to officially trigger a wideapread recession thanks to aggressive hacking, the manipulation of markets and the boosting of superhuman financial actives
- foreclosures, bankruptcies and the snowballing of the national debt makes criminality skyrocket in Hope. Situation hasn't completely abated since and will motivate Wallace Doherty's involvement in politics.
- by boosting the confidence of people like Weasel, Greg Rendell obviously wants to prove a point...

- 2010: aggressive counter-hacks are perpetrated against Elysium's off-world networks and Rendell's personal Intranet, in the hopes of finding enough proofs for *some* form of prosecution.
- nothing comes of them. Some vampires are prosecuted, some infringing dragons and liches are restrained. Nothing really seems to help.

- 2025: nothing's changed. Wyvern Sec. has an entire division dedicated to ferretting out traces of Elysium-related activities and to either set up response teams or notify the right authorities.
- technicalities allow Rendell to have George Ingram reinstated as Head Warden. It's speculated that the man now is a full-on Vitellius member, judging how much he's ballooned over the years
- "conservative" estimates allow Wyvern and Caliban to agree that the Zoo is utterly corrupt. Supercriminals are less detained than kept in spartan hotel suites. The real boss definitely is Rendell
- corruption seems to spread into Senate and government, but Caliban doesn't know who to suspect!

- the only thing that's certain is that local Chimeras are innocent. No way for Aspasia, Spearhead or anyone else to seriously come close to facilitating Elysium's operations
- Caliban was built for an extended lifespan, but constantly fighting back against scared Conservatives or permissive Democrats is sapping his health and strength
- his age is finally starting to register. Crow's feet, aches and pains, wrinkles - but he still has an impressive stature.
- his heart is the source of some concern. He hasn't had serious problems yet, but things indicate that Isaacs wasn't too concerned about ensuring a more gradual and graceful aging process...

a) Saurians
b) Fauns

a) Saurians
- includes Caliban, Spearhead, Jerome, Rendell, etc.
- all are based on Jurassic or Triassic fossils
- more artist renditions than exact reproductions. Case in point: no feathers! Scales, instead
- varies from subgroup to subgroup. Tend to be exceptional runners, jumpers and attackers.
- not terribly resilient (safe for the two T-Rexes), but capable of dishing out tremendous amounts of damage very quickly
- T-Rexes swap that for blow-for-blow power. Slow, strong and relentless
- adrenaline is very effective. Can effectively drown out pain thresholds that would make most people pass out
- highly developed combat instincts are useful on the field, can be a drawback elsewhere
- "keyed off" by fast movements or sudden loud noises
- infamously effective tacticians, though. All have proven to be able to work in inferior numbers and still crush the enemy

b) Fauns
- genetically recreated Faerie-native species
- the circumstances of their use has appalled Gruffs the world over. Most who used to see them as returned brethren now disown them
- others are pushing for Fae scientists and arcane researchers to find ways to "reconnect" those new Fauns to the World's Breath
- in any case, they're still natural healers, capable fighters - very developed analytical abilities
- less suited for the thick of things than the Saurians, but made exceptional scouts, snipers, messengers or unit commanders
- *very* rare occasions where Fauns seem to momentarily reconnect with innate abilities as creatures of Faerie. Healing touch and enthralling songs
- this is hit-or-miss. No Faun has been able to regularly call upon his or her curative abilities or the power to channel via through sound
- several are trying pretty hard, though. Most of the apologists on their side want to reconnect to their perceived "true" nature. Will usually find ways to live in Faerie or to spend a lot of time there
- as a result, a lot of Fauns identify with local Native American cultures, or Celtic paganism or Wicca
- even so, their extraterrestrial origins means most are very used to the disparity of Drifter tech and culture. Some choose to go back to Paradise, even if Elysium no longer has HQ there
- so you might see returning Fauns being more of a Post-Apoc nature, paying casual reverence to the little smorgasbord of Drifter gods
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