To Ahriman

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To Ahriman

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Do you see any parallels between the fauns of old and Aspasia's brethren? What are your thoughts and hopes for them?
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As Ahriman

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"I was born to your mortal plane in the earliest days of Civilization, in now-distant days that saw the roving bands of Man and the hunters and foragers of the Fae share fields, herds and moon cycles. Well before my name would be misremembered, I knew of the Fertile Crescent's Fauns. Your Syria, your Lebanon - both offered them verdant plains and clearings in which to pitch their tents and yurts, take stock and replenish supplies. Despite this, the Grecian Gruffs are better suited to speak of the fate of the species at large, for they saw Morgana's plague take root. Those in the East only suffered. They suffered without the bitter relief of understanding.

I saw adventurous and selfless men and women reduced to thievery and murder, saw formerly virtuous throats spit lies. I saw dead babes not two days old... There proved to be determination behind their light-hearted and mischievous tempers, but also acrimony. Seething hatred and bitterness. Cut a young rose bush, and it shall sprout no end of thorns.

I should know. I was one of them, one of those who raved at the Mother for what her ungrateful child of the Wilds had wrought. I spoiled my name, disgraced my family and clan. I Fell - and did so with my daughter's blood on my hands.

Azazel claimed some of us, those who wallowed in their misplaced hatred. The Principalities of the City found me, reared me, restored sight to me even as my eyes would never again witness light - and gave me authority over the Sammaelites in the face of Lucifer's eternal and endless absence. I have done my best to reach out to the embittered few with glad memories of the past. I have heard of one of them rising to Princedom in the Pit - Shaitan, as we once called him. Another judge, of sorts. Satan, to you. He is now cloven hooves upon alchemical textbooks, the Devil of the more libertine and level-headed of Infernalists - the one which the Laveyans call their master; worshipping him by not worshipping him. Free Will and Retribution cannot be praised, they can only be claimed."

He sighs.

"You asked if my fallen kindred compare to those borne of Science. Each of us should be as we will, child. Rendell's freed chattel can only grow into Men and Women if they find themselves on their own journeys, no matter if they should take them further in the mortal plane's wilds or in the safe confines of the cities of Man. If they differ from my kind, it is in how they still have hope. We of Hell have none. Our fate is sealed. All we can hope to do is to light the path for others to follow, well away from our mistakes and misfortunes."
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