To Bob

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To Bob

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

What did you see when you initially looked at Meris with the special goggles?
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As Bob

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"See, most mortals crop up in Hell expecting most of us to just sense the nature of their sins or how otherwise morally corrupt they are. They figure we're all like the Goat in being able to taste someone's sinful nature or to smell it, somehow. Us Sammaelites and regular Socratic types, though, we can't. We've needed centuries of technological and arcane progress in our timeframe to figure out ways to accurately sense what your average arriving soul is made of.

The short of it is I didn't see the kind of load the guys' so-called tragic ends would've produced. Jenkins' gone through Hell, yeah, but he isn't beyond redemption. That goes double for Drake. What I saw when I looked at Meris, though, was all the tiny marks the centuries left on her, all the sacrifices she regrets, all those she's proud of... I saw that, and I essentially saw what kind of woman she is, past the part of her soul that conveniently thinks and acts like her or that looks like a selkie.

Honestly? That woman was royalty even before she fell in with the Squids or Solomon's Court. On the day she'll die, I'd bet one of my horns that Gabriel's going to reserve a full complement of trumpets - and then slap a job offer on her metaphorical desk."
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