The Ubiquitous Voice Actors Thread

Plot, scheme, devise, tinker and ruminate all you want in this forum. This space is chiefly reserved for any out-of-character discussions still pertaining to the game or storyline that might need to take place. If it fits the game but none of our characters, voice it here!
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The Ubiquitous Voice Actors Thread

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So who - or what - do you hear in the back of your mind, when your characters speak? Any outliers, choices you might have that others might not expect?

Three: it's a tough one to open with, but my mental Aidan-voice currently happens to be veering somewhere in Jake Gyllenhaal's overall direction.

Archie: pretty much Colin Firth, on an even crisper registry than what he affected for Kingsman: The Secret Service. He oozes poshness when he wants to, but he can also sound startlingly dry and laconic - or witty and adventurous.

Bucky: Patrick Warburton, hands down. He'd nail the mixture of "old-fashioned farmhand" and the occasional bits of bluster pretty well, and he'd be a good fit for the more quiet moments, too.

Iwata: Ken Watanabe if your budget permits it. If not, just pick any old male seiyuu who manages decent Insanely Basso Samurai Battle Cries the likes of which Anime likes so much. There's something about Japanese that's well-suited to panicked and half-conscious paranoid ramblings...

Amazo: the best Vincent Price soundalike available.

Matthias: Lambert Wilson.

Bagley: Tom Hardy, oddly enough. I always thought of Bagley as an educated and occasionally knowingly pretentious version of Charlie Bronson. He still has touches of the Mancunian accent but he's smoothed it away thanks to years of Received English Pronounciation.

Gubbin: Jim Carrey's Ebenezer Scrooge voice made me think of Gubbin, actually. It's nasal enough, clipped enough and grumpy enough to fit.

Arthur: seeing as he's Archie's sibling, we'd need something similar to Firth. Malcolm McDowell leaving the Eurotrash behind and going for something a bit more pointed, maybe? Failing that, Neil Ross or Barry Dennen would work well in a pinch. Neil's voice for Gary Golden is one of my earlier inspirations for Arthur, while Dennen voiced Dean Domino in Fallout: New Vegas.

Forsythe: Richard Griffiths, I think - if asked to play in a subdued manner. This big mouse is certainly no Vernon Dursley...

Jack: Willem Dafoe au naturel.

Eliphas: Christopher Plummer's natural voice would work nicely, I think.

Zebediah: John Cleese, if he were able to sort of affect a smoothed-out British. Received Pronounciation English just weathered out by centuries on American soil, a couple Brit points poking out of a decidedly local dialect.

Madeline: Sigourney Weaver au naturel.

Evangeline: Helena Bonham Carter. Because of course.

Cordatus: Ian McKellen, as always.

Randolph: Robert Duvall.

Tom: James Spader, following a stint in Tim Curry's School of Gooey Overacting and Shameless Screen-Mugging.

Ahriman: John Hurt. I love how frayed his voice is, how aged it feels. It fits the idea of someone who's seen everything Hell has to offer way too many times to even be impressed anymore.

Melmoth: it's an easy sell, like Cordatus. J.K. Simmons without question.

Cuthbert: Liam Neeson.

Nereus: John Rhys-Davies with touches of his old Egyptian accent from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

The Chamberlain: Tom Cruise, oddly enough. Beyond the obvious Scientology, haaaaa stupid jokes, I'd like to see him pull off a Patrick Bateman, one of those days. All in smooth Crest smiles when things go as planned, but when a hitch in the works pops up... Oooooh crap.

Chauncey: David Hyde Pierce auditioning as the first American Doctor, bubbly energy and Sonic Screwdriver included.

George: from Day One, Michael Wincott's been speaking his lines in the back of my mind.

Bertram: Alan Tudyk with touches of London's modern metropolitan accent.

David: Wil Wheaton.

Helena: a slightly raspy Rosario Dawson, or Dawson with a few cigarette packs down her throat. She's completed her transition, but ironing out the vocal chords is still taking time.

Lucas: Andrew Garfield with a couple downers.

Lucian: Patrick Stewart.

Bob: Ron Perlman.

Leonard: a nicely Southern Deep-Fried John de Lancie.

Anton: Sean Toub.

Thomas: Nathan Fillion, plus the occasional slip-up into Yat and the thought-to-be-deprogrammed Southern drawl.

Wallace: John Goodman.

Caliban: Michael Clarke Duncan, if he were still alive. Dave Fennoy, as things are.

Eiko: my lack of obvious sources makes it difficult to pick a voice for Cali's wife. I figure, imagine an alternate Michelle Yeoh where Japanese is actually her native language and the archipelago swapped places with Malasia, but her fairly pricey studies pushed her to master English to a far greater length than you typically see of Japanese students. Her accent isn't so much English or American as it's "careful", if that makes sense. Even while she uses contractions, she still enunciates a lot.

Rendell: see Caliban, just with an affected Evil British Accent of Poshness. He'd fit right in with the Sith Empire.

Barney: Mickey Rourke, probably. The guy's throat just oozes hard-boiled.

Weasel: Steve Buscemi.

Percival: Peter Cullen with an extensive set of courses on period-appropriate Renaissance-Era English. So... Optimus Prime with frills.

Bill: Keith Carradine, while Clark Gregg would be another decent choice. He wouldn't be my first choice, though, because that'd just be asking him to do a Chtulhu monster that's pretending to be Coulson.

Eirean: Marina Sirtis gone slightly Irish.

Nigel: Vincent Price, if he were alive, but we could also go with a happy version of Maurice LaMarche's voice for the Brain. So... Happy Fake Orson Welles. :D

Gavin: Kiefer Sutherland.

Dawn: Michelle Forbes.

Sarah: Scarlett Johnasson. For all the grit she's packed in recent years, she still sounds like she could pull off something carefree and generally juvenile. Sarah's still at the stage in her life when nothing really matters except her goals and her immediate family and friends and she hasn't had to make sacrifices yet. It gives her a kind of sunny edge that shows in her voice.

Captain Sam: Geoffrey Rush, of course.

Naberius: Cary Elwes at his poshest.

Belial: JB Blanc in his natural registry, with Manchester's brogue slapped on top when appearing as Belliard. He's basically every other half-serious basso Orc from Shadow of War rolled into one.
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Re: The Ubiquitous Voice Actors Thread

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Here's mine; I'll add voice actors as I figure them out.

Aislinn: Laura Bailey as the female boss from Saints Row 3. She delivered enough snark and confidence to win me over.

Ciaran: For some reason, a less gravely Jack Huston when he played Richard Harrow.

Sophia: A somewhat younger-sounding Kate Mulgrew.

Nami: Rinko Kikuchi

Cole: Alan Cumming
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Re: The Ubiquitous Voice Actors Thread

Post by Karl the Mad »

Charles: 90% Heath Ledger's Joker, 10% David Carradine

Mary: Eva Green

Katherine: Mostly Diane Kruger, although sometimes my mind insists on Uma Thurman for some reason.

Preston: Adam Sandler

Jimmy: Liam Neeson again, no matter what L said about squiddies.

Jericho: He's partly Native American now, so I imagine the voice of Noah Watts for ol' Jerry.

Future concepts...

Luca Stephenson: Given the whole Swamp Thing concept I've got for him, he really can't have any one VA back there. So, I guess the Voice of the Legion? xD

Shijima: Ken Watanabe, as before.

Bryce: Not sure on this one. Open to suggestions!
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