Goblins and Orcs

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Goblins and Orcs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

- fairly young species, one of the most obviously "altered" sentient beings on Earth
- dates back to Neolithic
- all goblins are talented mages, without exception. Stuck mostly on Hedge Mage level, however. Very proficient dabblers, have trouble gaining additional expertise in any single school
- this is result from arcane "scarring" following collapse of Hyperborea.

- first pockets of Homo Sapiens Sapiens leave China and enter Siberia. Plains are a particular case... No Nexus is present there, but several ley lines cross irregularly. Allows for large amounts of potential power...
- ...without drawbacks of being dependent on a dryad or tutelary spirit attached to a Nexus.
- initially, these humans find themselves enhanced. Made ageless and resistant to cold; begin to thrive in ordinarily hostile environment
- cold still a deterrent for civilization, however. Wanting fields and plants, they work on twelve pylons to circumscribe a small valley. Basic barrier spells bolstered by local power
- takes a few generations, but twelve pillars are eventually raised, and the barrier is closed. Air inside valley is then heated, ground is made to thaw, etc.
- via begins accumulating in the domed city. Residents use it to build, the same way dragons built Faerie beyond the wells.
- bolsters applied research and contacts with outside world. Hyperborea becomes a small nation, known for its wizards.
- living standards approach those of Renaissance, while rest of the world is still approaching Bronze Age.

- naturally, Hyperborean sorcerors try to expand their rule. Become known as one-man armies able to stand up to dragons, angels, etc.
- goblin ancestors used to be expert warlocks, as a result. Evidence shows high degrees of proficiency in elemental magic and necromancy
- first and very early examples of effects of via exposure on advanced life forms. Average lifespan during Neolithic = 20 years. Hyperboreans lived for hundreds of years. Revered as gods by some, cursed as demons by others.
- ciphers of Hyperborea begin to form around the world shortly before Ur is inaugurated. Same via-concentration technique is used for each settlement, even in areas holding a Nexus.
- modern scholars would call this incredibly reckless. Hoarding via in an already high-concentration zone can be the best way to get yourself killed as a mage. Or turned into a lich...
- evidence shows that Hyperborean kings WANTED to turn into liches. Arcane undead held as highest form of proficiency for a practitioner, above archmages.
- to this day, earliest known examples of dormant liches and long-lived archmages were Hyperborean. Comparisons with goblin DNA and carbon dating proves this.
- modern angelic Rulers and Archangels can attest to having been about to stage a reaction plan to protect mortals against rapidly-expanding warlocks, circa 3000 B.C.

- Their own hubris did them in. Via can be stored like electricity or amplified, but pushing hard and continuously is dangerous.
- Hyperborean pylons began to show signs of failure around 2500 B.C. Main city experienced catastrophic collapse around 2000 B.C.
- chain reaction more or less wipes entire warlock empire off the map in a single day. Hundreds of thousands of presumably immortal warlocks are killed simultaneously
- "free" arcane potential never just floats around. Always seeks to return to nearest source, like electricity being grounded.
- unfortunately... concentrated via rushed into surviving warlocks.
- most were killed immediately, both turned into liches and killed at the same time. Left dangerously charged human remains behind. Hyperborean bones among strongest arcane artifacts known to man
- if some survived as insane liches, no-one knows. All evidence suggests that angels helped mortals to more or less clean house. Most pylons were destroyed. A few were kept structurally intact, but drained - as a cautionary sign

- what is known is that those that survived were twisted, at least physically. Recognizable goblin appearance recorded only ten years later. Very quick mutation.
- green skin in various hues, very striking physiques. Usually fairly grotesque, but never outright hideous. Physicality develops appearance of some recognizable conditions, but not the symptoms
- dwarfism, Prune Belly, distorted proportions, freakishly tall or very compact, thin limbs in relation to average torso, etc.
- never truly physically handicapped. In fact, dexterity seems to have improved, on average. Goblin neurokinetics are highest outside of anthro statistics.

- certainly handicapped as mages, however. Talent remains but is seriously stunted. Previously all-powerful warlocks are barely able to light fires.
- cold starts killing them quickly. Find refuge in caves around the world.

- few generations later, goblin infravision has developed as a result. Lasting arcane power seems to have concentrated partially in eyes. Can see in the dark without experiencing light sensitivity
- goblins see living organisms covered in faint reddish mist in the dark. Pitch-black darkness is only a blueish gloom for them.
- goblin eyesight also improves. Today, goblins are everything from precision welders and jewelers to electronics techies, to sharpshooters in police or armed forces.
- on the other hand, goblin "red eye" effect is clearly visible in the dark. Have to cover their eyes to stay concealed.

- still, initial indigent conditions drives them to make pleas for help. A lucky few are allowed into Faerie by the Sidhe. Some Western dragons take goblins for their service. Largely ignored, however.
- desperation motivates call to Heaven. All Spheres deny them audiences, but a Power named Belial agrees to speak to them.
- some feel the deal is too shady. By 1900 B.C., some have left their holes and rejoined society. Will later find fortune and use as traders, bankers - but also employment as jesters or freaks.
- in Egypt, for instance, goblins become associated with Bes. Seeds first few mythical roots for the trope of the sly, tricksy goblin. Middle Ages and Renaissance will add so-called miserly traits to species
- goblins will also be unjustly shoved in with Jews as moneylenders and other wealth-obsessed types. To be fair, talent in magic works well in Cartesian domains like finance. Lots of goblin brokers today...


- Belial offers to give back some power in exchange for their service. Those that stayed behind agree.
- first physically recognizable orcs are created from deal. Scarring was too deep to be fixed, but Belial could remove the scar - and magical proficiency - in exchange for physical strength.
- as they now served Belial, first orcs couldn't just rampage out of their holes. Belial was their boss, now, and Belial picked who, where and when they'd pillage.
- purpose of direction was never made clear to orcs, until Peloponnesus War, in Antiquity, and involvement in sacking of Rome.
- orcs were initially made to be tools to shift power in the hands of more overt, sometimes borderline tribal political entities. Belial had been trying to push mortals away from organized civilization. Would have kept angels and dragons on top
- also used to profit from both sides. Orcs fought for Hellenes and Spartans alike, Romans and Goths. Intentionally made formidable and dangerous to further demand.

- Lucifer's trial changed things. Belial was cursed, but his orcs were proving problematic to even newly established barbarian authorities in Rome.
- Abdiel ordained that the angelic imprint left in each orc would be corrupted along with Belial. would hopefully act as a kill switch for entire species.
- Didn't quite go as planned... Plenty died, more survived and turned into rampaging, almost mindless barbarians.

- Angels and other long-lived types tried exterminating cursed orcs for centuries. Never really worked, but it did drive species to find a way to control themselves.
- around Renaissance, some orcs are noted to have travelled to China to learn meditative techniques. Evidence shows that Native-American orcs did their best to learn from human or antho medicine men
- both groups find own ways to suppress coiled demon inside - and later recover enough of old goblin abilities to forge weapons designed to serve as channels and buffers for excessive outbursts.
- Orcs honestly begin to change their ways around Enlightenment. They start integrating standard workforces + create their own areas of industry. More crafting than manufacturing, though. Bound weapons have to be unique.
- by Industrial Era, orcs find ways to apply goblin artistic flair to their weapons. Realize that there's a demand for nice-looking and heavy weaponry... See clanks, for instance.

- native goblin tongue is lost. Suspected to have been pre-Indo-European. Remaining pylons have extremely faded runes. Nobody can read them.
- Orc tongue, however, was developed and has survived. Has claimed some of the species' Slavic roots, but also colors it with Native American and Chinese connotations. Very eclectic linguistic mix.
- suspected to have inspired Klingon language in Star Trek...

- goblins are known for their financial know-how, their dexterity and precision. Low innate magical forces means they're perfect for engraving runes into microprocessors or lacing silicon wafers with via.
- goblins integral to today's stable examples of arcane technology. Everything manufactured after 1985 was blueprinted or revised by goblin hands at least once.
- Pre-1985 hardware fails almost every time a mage touches it. Sometimes fails irrevocably. Mainstream development of IT allows goblins to make most of everything "mage-proof" over the next two decades.
- today's mages are mostly free to use the same tools as mundanes. Computers, photocopiers, Blu-Ray players, game consoles, etc.
- to a point, at least. Wizards can sometimes be too much for standard protection measures to handle. Archmages and Warlocks experience opposite dynamics. Anything pre-1985 is safe.

- orcs integrated in every sector of employment. Most are completely in control of their inner demon or can use temporary seclusion or meditation to deal with flare-ups.
- orc culture isn't exactly Native American, Celtic or Slavic. A bit of all three things at once in a sort of generic "Barbarian" ethos.
- naturally fed Fantasy stories. Some orcs feel slighted by popular representations of their species, others embrace it.
- odd little quirk in Hope: Duke Island is a small bit of land that's been purchased by the local Fantasy LARP chapter. Officially owned by a local orc who also doubles as a re-enactment aficionado...
- bigotry obviously exists. Plenty of "family values" groups treat orcs like tamed bears in ads, gladly show footage of orcs flipping out on YouTube to stir suspicion.
- goblins also still likened to Jews almost systematically by ignorant folks. Sort of the ultimate no--no... You end up insulting two groups for the price of one. :(
- goblin actors usually stuck playing supernatural bad guys, crotchety old wizards or Ebenezer Scrooge act-alikes.

- today's beauty standards make dating hard. Rise in depressions reported in goblinoids over the last twenty years.
- people wrongfully assume that the only male goblins who get any are systematically wealthy and chase May-December relationships.
- female goblins usually have a hard time finding a mate outside of their own species.
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