Angels and Demons

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Angels and Demons

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

- there is no difference between Creation on supernatural levels and the origins of the universe as observed by modern science
- no one is around to remember what came before, however - except the Others. The Others are prone to lying...

- Big Bang creates Matter, Space and Time, but also burgeoning concepts God personifies. Elemental Thrones, Four Horsemen, primitive potential energies ancestral to via
- Thrones are used to shape Matter across all universe. Long and painstaking process by our perceptions; could be a week or an afternoon by a Throne's
- Initial Creation didn't come with a plan for organic life. Thrones and first ranks of angels were witnesses to beginnings of carbon-based life.
- All were very surprised, but interested. God was never keen on restricting his people, so angels freely travel primordial Universe, experiencing beginnings of Life.

- then, order starts to emerge. Multicellular organisms. Plants. First recognizable animals. Amphibians and grazers, etc.
- Via finishes stabilizing around 500 million years ago, prior to animals emerging from plant life
- 225 million years ago: earliest dinosaurs appear. Still curious, some angels herd groups of the animals toward young and powerful Nexuses
- effect is staggering. Rapid and widespread controlled mutations change entire herds into bipedal and sapient creatures within a few centuries. Dragons are effectively born.
- some angels claim this debatable success personally. Earliest signs of potential contentious groups in the Host
- Jurassic Extinction Event: dinosaurs are exterminated, along with two Fae-created species: Fauns and "Dragonkin" (anthro raptors)

- life goes on for a few more million years. Growing increasingly interested in the idea of a corporeal existence, angels collectively take the decision to assume physical forms from now on, and to work towards the creation of Heaven
- initially intended as their personal retreat from the mortal plane, but mortal souls begin ascending towards it. More debates, as Host has to decide whether or not to instigate an entry policy.
- dragons create anthros in trying to replicate circumstances of their own creation. Reaction is highly diverse in angelic ranks. Some cheer on, others claim the Kingdom is being defiled.

- 6.7 million years ago: Sahelanthropus appears. First recorded hominin appears.
- 2.7 million years ago: Parenthropus evolves. Angels and dragons are first confronted to Darwinian evolution. Tests are conducted to see if earliest hominids can be affected by via springs, but nothing conclusive happens
- modern theories suggest that exposed hominids simply held in "nodules" of arcane power, after exposure. Had no effect or influence on Human evolution, but may have informed the first few human mages and wizards, much later
- a few generations in, both groups understand that Hominids need to be exposed to the harsh realities of the world to adapt and survive. To keep evolving. Protecting the hominids would do them a disservice.
- from then on, dragons, early anthros, fae and angels all avoid direct contact with primitive humans. Not out of contempt, but out of care and curiosity.

- 600 thousand years ago: first recorded funeral by human hands. Anthros are still largely animistic or shamanistic, but humans clearly begin showing concern about the Hereafter
- this obviously riles up the same angels who opposed the occasionally ascending anthro, sidhe and dragon souls
- 350 thousand years ago: Neanderthals. Ban on human contact is lifted. Takes time to implement, as prohibited contact was turned into falsehoods and horrific tales by ignorant anthros.
- no one knows if abuses against humans occurred during this time period. No records remaining.
- all groups adapt to sapient primates well enough. Records do exist of first few kills perpetrated *by* humans, however. Usually involves fear and self-defense attempts

- 200 thousand years ago: anatomically correct humans emerge in Africa. Lack of Neanderthal strength and more developed cerebral cortex leads to first fruitful exchanges with Homo Sapiens Sapiens
- from then on, humans and anthros begin progressing in tandem. Dragon chronicles celebrate first domesticated dogs - and the first few recognizable anthros derived from dogs that followed.

- tighter bands means cultural bonds in formation. Mortals begin to seriously theorize about what comes after death. This makes corporeal existence almost mandatory to angels.
- a mass spiritual exodus floods the Kingdom from Limbo. Lucifer caves in to God's decree and lets them in. Heaven becomes a recognizable place in its basic purpose. Cultural symbolisms are still forming.
- tortured souls do rise up to Heaven, but fail to pass. Having nowhere else to go and usually driven by basic need to survive, they drift aimlessly.
- first recorded ghosts, ghouls and zombies.

- Holocene and Neolithic: last Ice Age species have died off, including most of their associated anthros. Mammoth and Smilodon anthros survive. First cities begin to emerge (Catal Huyuk, Ur, Lagash, Larsa).
- Some angels choose to take matters into their own hands. They travel down to Earth and begin sharing the finer points of agrarian society with their distant cousins.
- secluded human band beats all of History to the punch in Siberia. Discovery of world's biggest Nexus in plains suffuses hundreds of thousands of humans with extraordinary arcane prowess.
- *unrecorded* first state of Hyperborea is formed. Lasts a few thousand years, then crashes under the techical hubris being deployed. Goblins are created as a result of this massive fuckup.
- the angel Belial quickly realizes the plight of the newly formed species and offers to further boost its strongest mages for a tithe of their very essence. Sets the stage for future Orcs
- goblin warlocks are universally reviled, falling on extreme tactics in order to "clean out" habitable areas for their followers.
- First states. Stabilized cultures = stabilizing approach to the Hereafter. Earliest roots of current religious symbols appear. Agrarian societies are less mercenary than roving clans.
- the Horseman War first rides as Sumerians and Elamites clash in what is Iraq today. (2700 BC)
- allows for a starker realization of morals. Includes a professed need for places of punishment.
- tortured souls become a problem for Heaven. Hell's prototyped singular form is formed shortly before 2700 BC or shortly after. No exact surviving records.
- initial Hell isn't much more than a dumping ground for spiritual cruft. Nobody knows exactly what to do with souls that didn't turn out right. Not yet.

- situation turns problematic as angels begin abusing their privileges as tutors or guardians, or fight against dragons and sidhe for that right
- first codification of their ranks to try and instill discipline in "lower" Choirs. Also leads to first debatable proofs that God might have ties to the Others...

1. First Sphere
- Seraphim: almost never come down to Earth; completely consumed with love and zeal for God, to the exclusion of everything else. Including other angels. Utterly terrifying. Tend to manifest as beings of light. Metatron: exception
- Cherubim: guard access to God to prevent Others from reaching Him. Tend to manifest as anything from animals to modern full-spectrum soldiers. Good-sanctioned Terminators, more or less
- Thrones/Wheels/Ophanim: symbolize justice and authority, processes of Creation. Odd ones, as they are known for being as relatable as they can be alien. Most potentially "human" angels of First Sphere

2. Second Sphere
- Dominions: rarely perceptible by mortals, but always down here. Usually disguised as United Nations translators, White House Public Relations rep, usually second fiddle to unaware mortal power.
- Virtues: same as Dominions, but work *for* Dominions, usually. Help them collate needed info. Usually spies in everyday mortal ranks. Tend to hide even from other angels.
- Powers: usually financial or military Black Ops for Dominions. Oversee distribution of power, wealth and influence among mortals. Can herd demons. Stock brokers, PMC managers, etc. Can be harsh on mortals for their own sake

3. Third Sphere
- Rulers: Scepter. Baphomet was a Ruler. Rank dedicated to education and betterment of Humanity. Usually teacher roles or surrogate parents, headmasters. Most directly involved of all angels.
- Archangels: lead angels in battle against Hell. Occasionally protect specific mortals. Gabriel.
- Angels: most numerous of all groups. Almost every living person has his or her angel, but they rarely come down. Instructed to favor self-reliance and to intervene in extreme times of need. Footsoldiers in Heaven.

- Normally, angels don't show their true nature to those they protect. From Angels up to Dominions, all tend to act completely like mortals. Some Ophanim also do.
- Angels can risk breaking or lifting their veils, but even the most well-intentioned Throne can't. No mortal mind can withstand a Throne's true nature...
- ...but Void Weavers can. Which is more or less why Thrones haven't gone and nuked squids out of existence already. Their hands are tied.

- Lucifer begins causing trouble around Antiquity, specifically around revealing of Belial's self-serving scheme with goblins
- Belial is cursed by Uriel (an Archangel) and sentenced by Thrones. First angel sent down to Hell. Simmers there, aimless, until Lucifer joins him.
- Belial's damnation brings forth consequences of damning an angel. Previously enlightened goblins turn into demon-ravaged hulks. First Orcs.
- Baphomet's damnation follows after Peloponnesus War and considering events in Mendes. Devolves/transforms into Leonard.

- angels realize that some in their numbers are willing to face corruption. They want it. Damnation means being free from angelic intercession. Some extremist angels side with Lucifer, seeing this as only way forward.
- some think angels corrupted mortals, others say mortals introduced angels to concept of war. Second group holds that mortals should be punished for corrupting their betters. Both lose members.
- apologists will ultimately form Pandemonium; supremacists form the Pit.
- Infernal "democrats" who think both sides are guilty have no representative until Melmoth.

- Infernal politics lead to their own hierarchy...

- former angels, as opposed to tortured souls or native demons. Take the same rank they had in Heaven and recreated the Kingdom's hierarchy in detail. Creatures of purest evil - but most staunch opposition to Others...

1. First Sphere
- Seraphim: Lucifer. Sings his own praises - if he sings. Levels of self-adoration are unquantifiable.
- Cherubim: protect Lucifer
- No Thrones can be found in Hell, thankfully.

2. Second Sphere
- Dominions: crooked Fortune 500 CFOs, reckless political advisors, etc. Leonard is more or less the Dominion for all forms of black magic. Takes after Lucifer, but ego is less Lovecraftian.
- Vices: are supposed to help their Dominions, but are self-serving. Several of his junior attorneys. Repeatedly try to back-stab their boss. Leonard is never caught off-guard or impressed. Usually banishes those who try for a while.
- Powers: Melmoth. Distributes gross wealth and sin amongst mortals. Can fix rates on demand.

3. Third Sphere
- Oppressors: dedicated to spreading fear and ignorance. Sensationalist newscasters, televangelists, online agitators and bloggers, etc.
- Archdemons: lead demons into battle and sometimes torment or posess specific mortals. Baal opposes Gabriel. Rarely leaves Hell or Limbo.
- Demons: possess and tempt a great majority of humans. Very rarely involves direct assault. The better the person, the harsher the assault.

- All demons are restricted to temptation while on Earth. From Baal up to Lucifer, all are understandably powerful. They're still not authorized to act on that power in any significant way.
- usually involves something along the line of an Oriental dragon messing with Fate. Not much more powerful than that. Can still be very dangerous.
- Like Leonard forcing an extreme take on Murphy's Law onto someone while simultaneously giving himself ridiculous luck.
- Fire-and-brimstone stuff only applies when demons are summoned. Usually for show - though not always...

Houses in Pandemonium
a) Seducers: succubi and incubi families.
b) Lilim: first-born children of Lilith. Seeded their bloodlines while alive, cursed them following their damnation. Vampires.
c) Sammaelites: children and descendants of Sammael and Salome. More or less authorized angel/demon hybrids by Heavenly decree. Have to "temper" Hell by making sure Pandemonium is a place of reflection. Bob.

- Pandemonium demons have to guide and comfort souls who make it so far. Seducers aren't necessarily wicked, as a result. Some can be very compassionate.
- Sammaelites are a little harsher. They're mostly pedagogues and "hall monitors" for souls in the milder corner of Hell.

- Beasts and Devourers: minor demons of various levels of threat and strength. Most aren't sentient. Very, very old souls who forgot themselves entirely.
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