Just to get a feel for the game...

Plot, scheme, devise, tinker and ruminate all you want in this forum. This space is chiefly reserved for any out-of-character discussions still pertaining to the game or storyline that might need to take place. If it fits the game but none of our characters, voice it here!
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Just to get a feel for the game...

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

How are you finding it, so far? I'm still busy, I can't put more than a third of the attention I'd want to devote to it, but I'm still mostly happy with the way things are unfolding.

Honestly, I especially like the way Weasel is turning out. I've officially buried his Explosive Man-Child Mafioso and Scarface Wannabe incarnation and I'm apparently managing to present him as a businessman, as a guy who cares about results and human lives in general. He's sympathetic, there's a bit of the ol' crassness left in him 'cause I just don't see Weasel ever becoming a paragon of High Culture - but he's not as sex-crazed as he used to be, either. I'm finding that there were a lot of adolescent insecurities hidden away in his character and a few other of my "charmer" types. Weasel, at least, feels more mature. What little swagger he has feels earned to me, and he has enough restraint to merit his posting as Chairman. That's a far cry from the Luger-toting trigger-happy bundle of nerves that replied to bad news with head shots-o-grams.

How about you guys? Any pleasing considerations or realizations to make? Anything unpleasant, while we're at it?
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