Theme Songs

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Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

We had a thread like this at the old place, so why not?

I can't say this reminds me of a specific character yet, but there's something about the song and the video that really gets me percolating. I'll eventually be able to draw links between this and a character of mine - whichever one that might be.

Maybe that's New Three. Maybe. Not sure.

I first discovered Woodkid in the trailer for Assassin's Creed: Revelations, and I've come to really like his videos' imagery. It's all... abstract Neo-Viking Medieval awesomeness or something.
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

I definitely think it fits the new version of Three. It's like a call to arms for a reluctant youth, which Three is. Really love this song.
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Go figure, but this reminds me of Bob.

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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

This one makes me think of Caliban's wife, Eiko Kazamatsuri, although she doesn't quite embody the same deep Transhumanist and philosophical questions as a certain Nippon cyborg...

As far as I know, this is an ancient liturgic form of Japanese that hasn't survived in a contemporary, everyday use, but that you can still hear in certain Shinto chants. I'm half-certain anyone who knows barely more of Japan than I do (and I'm not hard to beat) would offer some much-needed clarifications.

But yeah. Ghost in the Shell's opening sequence is up there is my favorites - both for its visuals and its soundtrack. In this case, I can feel a fun mix of strength and of a delicate nature in the track's overall tone. I think it suits Eiko well. She's not physically strong, but her mind and her spirit have both touched Caliban in deeply intimate ways. If Coach and Aspasia are an average couple with the expected tiffs and occasional disagreements and if Arthur and Alana are locked in an inextricable love-hate relationship, Caliban and Eiko are a couple I keep seeing as acting as their mutual Zen oasis. They work well together, they love well together, so there's never outright arguments between them, so much as hard questions they work in tandem to hopefully solve. They might disagree, but their disagreements are enriching experiences that keep them returning to one another.
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

This song makes me think about if some of Sophia's dreams or her growth in the ground, before she was able to be independent of the Centennial Tree, were put to music. I can just imagine roots sinking further into the earth. It has a wild flourish that fits with her innate self, but it also has a feeling of mystique to it.
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

This one's not meant to be taken seriously, but come on. There's no better potential theme for a saurian politician that keeps an eye over a city packed with superheroes and weirdos than a Heavy Metal version of Jurassic Park's theme.

As if Caliban wasn't badass enough.

And of course, there's John Shou's potential cell phone ringtone...

I miss the extreme Bruce Lee impersonations of the first three games' versions of Liu Kang... MK9 played it so safe it was almost sad. :)

Oh, and this really doesn't fit, but I'm sure some troll along the lines of Travis would make the connection that begs to be made with John Smith...

Speaking of - D'aww, my childhood. Right in the feels. Dopey nostalgic smile, activated.
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

For something slightly different, here's a theme that fits the overall tone of the sort of engagements 2025's military forces are used to. Hearing this, I picture Mechs kicking ass, exosuit snipers jumping between buildings and, well, your usual Michael Bay-esque fluff of 'splosions and incalculable property damage.

The beauty of it is once the dust settles, you only have to blame the vampire, dragon or Void Weaver drug lord you attacked with the full backing of the U.N. In general, the Hopeverse's wars are shorter, bloodier, more technologically advanced, but also adequately circumscribed.

Ergo, the Battlefield 4 theme. Which also goes with Three's feeling that there's too many douchebags with an itchy trigger who happen to be looking for bragging excuses.

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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

This one feels like a cross between Danny Elfman's work for the Tim Burton Batman movies, and his rendition of Spider-Man's theme, circa the Sam Raimi era. Basically, it's a non-specific and vaguely eerie Origin Story Montage music.

I'm drawing a blank as to who might benefit from it, but hey - this is Hope. We're bound to end up with someone with a spooky theme and a loaded background. I'd almost suggest Zebediah, if I hadn't designed him as an intentionally flaccid type. He really doesn't have the makings of a determined hero.

So, yeah. I'd almost suggest Zeb. Emphasis on almost.

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Re: Theme Songs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I've been listening to Daft Punk's newest album - which is their best yet, by the way - and at one point, I noticed that their new commitment to acoustics and their meld of different styles sort of melded with fairly simple lyrics to create something that absolutely screams Archie. Or, well, what it actually screams is Archie's deep-seated and usually mercilessly repressed dichotomy and unrequited love. The one he loves turned from a spirited Victorian lady into a cold postmodern bitch - and seeing that tears him apart, even if he tries as hard as he can to patch that up with his Unflappable Victorian Gentleman routine. He'd probably court Sophia if Ciaran wouldn't eventually make a move, and he respects her far too much to resent the selkie for stealing his thunder - so he's stuck with a conficting jumble of emotions he'd probably need a shrink's couch to get off his chest.

Give him a few years to take in the current decade's musical styles and to recall what he's heard from the sixties and seventies, give him an old-fashioned standing microphone, a Big Band ensemble, a deejay, a vocoder and the Hope Philharmonic - and an occasion to sort of wrap this up into a live performance, and you might get something like this:

Daft Punk feat. Paul Williams - Touch

I remember touch
Pictures came with touch
A painter in my mind
Tell me what you see

A tourist in a dream
A visitor it seems
A half-forgotten song
Where do I belong?

Tell me what you see
I need something more

Suddenly alive
Happiness arrive
Hunger like a storm
How do I begin?

A room within a room
A door behind a door
Touch, where do you lead?
I need something more
Tell me what you see
I need something more

Hold on
If love is the answer you'll hold. (x8)

Sweet touch
You've given me too much to feel
Sweet touch
You've almost convinced me I'm real

I need something more
I need something more
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Re: Theme Songs

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

I was introduced to Steam Powered Giraffe by Weirdlet recently (thank you!), and I've been listening to many of their songs on Youtube. However, there's one that's been running through my head repeatedly: Honeybee. After listening to the lyrics and overall feel of the song, it immediately reminded me of Archie being melancholy, albeit it through his staidly Victorian veneer, over Sasha Grey or maybe Sophia.
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