From the city's lot of goodie-two-shoes to the scheming villains and average Joes, this is where you'll find a comprehensive database of all our characters - active or otherwise.
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The Mostly Heroic Types White Knights, plain old good guys, folks who take charge and want to take the city's problems in hand altruistically are a natural fit for this section.
John Q. Public The less-empowered types, the undecided, the morally shifty and most mundanes who get slapped around by greater powers go here by default.
Doers of Dastardly Deeds Jerks, demons, megalomaniacs, psychopaths, self-interested jackasses and other general varieties of gits, welcome. Leave your ego at the door and don't murder your kindred during your stay.
The Clinic If your character's biography was moved here, chances are it needed some additional work. Place your own works in progress here for easier storage. Label them clearly with the W.I.P. acronym.